She was weird will be carved into my tomb

My NYE resolution 2 years ago was to learn Spanish (sometimes resolutions stick!  I’m reasonably fluent now).  I just learned this one recently- when you roll your eyes in Spanish, you literally put your eyes in the white, or put on your white eyes.  I rolled my eyes = puse los ojos en blanco.  I’m not sure why I get

For anyone who is interested in the value of building these types of organizations and connections before disasters- and why that’s so valuable- I highly recommend the book “The Resilience Dividend: Being Strong In A World Where Things Go Wrong” by Judith Rodin. Strengthening and empowering our communities from the

If you’ve got asthma or other breathing issues, a mask is essential. I had to use one for a while last summer, even while walking the dog (and especially while bike commuting). If I wore it, I’d be hot and uncomfortable, and if I didn’t wear it, I’d spend hours coughing and barely able to breathe.  

I read the first book a while ago and the second and third fairly recently so maybe I’m mis-remembering, but I felt like a lot of the character development of all non-Rachel/Nick characters was in books 2 and 3I’ve got high hopes for forthcoming movies, which I actually just want as spin-offs starring Astrid and

WOW. WTF is up with this article? I have an old dog and an old cat, both of which were recently diagnosed with terminal cancer and will die in the next few weeks. If I thought people were looking at me thinking “to have two pets die she must be a terrible pet owner” I’d be furious. A dying pet is enough emotional

I’m so sorry.  We’re about to go through the same thing- an old dog and an old cat diagnosed with terminal cancer within weeks of each other- and it’s going to be some sad times in our house.

Hint: while I was asking a real question about the situation, the phrase “the real crime here” indicates that I’m being facetious.

That’s way less dramatic than I was envisioning.  

I’m confused.  They paid for Premium Class and then they tried to move one of them to coach?  That might be the real crime here.  I care way less about sitting next to my husband than sitting in first class [I can only assume, since I only ever get to fly coach].

If they’ve already been accepted to college and have fulfilled the requirements of graduation, it doesn’t matter. I, for instance, never graduated from high school but went happily right along to college.

Well, I just found out that my sweet pooch has a giant tumor in her liver. The phrase “borrowed time” was used at the vet. I definitely feel his pain.

Absolutely true. One of the ways they are able to stay open and require insane things of their teachers is by hiring non-union labor.

Good luck, Ivanka! Peruvian women have a higher-than-average rate of badassery. I can’t imagine they’ll have much time or patience with her kind of bullshit.

I was promised my class would be capped at 40 students, but when I got my final roster I had 50. I complained to the department, who told me that for each student in a class over a set number (30? 40? I can’t remember) they (the department) get additional funds from the university (essentially the department gets a

I really resent being forced to agree with PETA.

I wore a dust mask/air filter to ride my bike today. Hopefully tomorrow will be better because that thing is hotter than hell (but kept the worst of my asthma at bay).