Merrier Olde England

you are totally right! I don’t know how I forgot that.

The show is not going out of its way to endear you to Lenny. Episode 2 has him being disgusted with the idea of homosexuality. So, they are doing what you want...showing that just because he might be younger doesn’t mean he doesn’t have the same regressive traits that the whole institution holds. This show is not

you are a basket of insufferables.


I bet there were other days when he was all like “send a boy to get me a damn sandwich” and stuff. Then put some veal up his bum or whatever it is they did. Those Romans are crazy.

Might be cheap for you to fly to Norway but it’s not ‘affordable’ in any sense once you land.

In England we called random 1970s porn “Hedgerow Grumble”. From “Grumblemag” i.e “off for a grumble”. All the forests went into well-turned table legs (also smut) by the 18th century for us.

He was only off by two feet.

Another indictment that the major label music industry as a cancer on artists and artistry. The industry that ostensibly represents, funds, supports and finances musicians costs so much that for so many artists, it almost isn’t worth it. The money is in selling out to other industries because your own industry is

Let me translate to the educated people what he said..

This is an abomination! If you can’t get an erection, it is clearly God’s will and one does not thwart the almighty!*

don’t you get that in England we’ve been honing the fine art of being politely and artfully frosty for thousands of years? don’t take this away from us too!