The translation of Cuéntalo is better rendered (figuratively and literally) as “Tell It.” This is not mere fastidiousness but introduces a wider, deeper resonance (in both Spanish and English).
The translation of Cuéntalo is better rendered (figuratively and literally) as “Tell It.” This is not mere fastidiousness but introduces a wider, deeper resonance (in both Spanish and English).
And technically, bullshit is stool.
Last of the Nokians
Bible Thumper.
What people do not understand about this administration is that you cannot engage with people or respect people that act in bad faith. I think some intellectuals think that you can just peacefully engage a person and change their minds.
Or ya know, suck it up for those extra 20 seconds and have some consideration for people who can’t go up the escalator (because they’re usually steeper than stairs) and needs some extra stability on a potential dangerous piece of machinery.
My 7 year old niece has devised a chart where she puts stickers on squares that are numbered. The numbers correspond to a list of misogynistic hot phrases she hears at school, on TV, from my mother, etc. When her chart is full she hands it to the closest adult and demands $20 for Space Camp.
People who are awesome and enjoy things that are good, obviously.
fuck “class”. she’s trying to make real change in the industry. expecting women to be “classy” while they work hard at things is just another way of policing them.
They’re registered at Bed, Bath and Way Beyond.
I stopped liking Starburst when I introduced myself to Hi-Chew.
<<“We’re there, having a little dessert, and he offers me some,” McCarthy recalled in an interview. “Just the red and the pink.>>
Excuse me, no. Little Women is Professor Bhaer’s most famous film.
I like that she was in trig class and he took it as a sin to call her. Cos, you know, he thought that she was real pretty and liked her tan.
Dad-a-chum? Dum-a-chum? Ded-a-chek? Did-a-chick?
Oh ho! I sometimes work in an office where there used to be occasional cake or cookies, and nowadays, there is no cake, no cookies.
“If the heartbeat is detected, the baby is protected,” King said.