
They are!

Sounds great, but I hope it doesn't look too japanimation-y, I can't really look at that stuff. I love Möbius tho.


Man, I thought I got this multiple login business straightened out.

I'm 42, and people were trying to breakdance constantly starting when Breakin' came out in 1984 till at least 87, in my area.

Yeah, she looks like my 13 year old niece when I say "hello, how are you?" And she has to stop playing pokey-mans for a sec.

Man, AVClub was a little oasis on the internet. Can people from just anywhere stroll in here now?

It's got a bit of a pointing down orientation, which is certainly not protocol.

Boob armor! Gotta armor those boobs!

I think the only time the show made me tense was when farmer brown had a relapse drinking in a bar, and the guy from Terriers showed up. That little scene was ambiguous and scary, then they shot the guy, and that was their best moment. It would've been great if they killed everybody in the originalgroup, and then

Which parts did they hand off to better writers?

Because he's like 50 not twenty, so mentally, for him, it's 1983 forever.

I dunno, I hated that site, but couldn't stop reading it, and now I don't have to exercise self control.

Well, at least you're not hiding the core of your argument.

So what?

I hit a pothole, but my neighbor doesn't like soy sauce. What about my pothole!

So you say "fuck thiel" instead of "fuck gays, cause I'm black" or something.

He said he did give a shit.

Plus, he's confusing. I keep expecting a different gender and ethnicity.

Neither of them can mow the lawn for shit.