
Sure, I guess. But Firefly is so superficially related to the US civil war, why worry about it? Wouldn't Stars Wars be suspect too?

Yeah, 30 min at a time is how I can watch it.

i skimmed by this header pic and assumed he was hiding behind a macrame lamp.

Pelecanos i like for tv writing, but his books get repetitive.

this is what i imagine happening every time i fluff up my credentials.


If your hiphop listening time period is over thirty years, it's hard to get past the mush mouth, endless hooks trap shit. It just sounds like durrdurrdurr

Yeah they were fucking funny too!

Yeah, you have to actively avoid the topic.

Yeah, and their real job will be a dentist or accountant or something.

He said it was the hardest he'd tried…

Second amendment people are level headed and sensible.

My hope before Trump got in is that he'd surround himself with comparative pros and take a lot of advice, like W.

I never understood why she wasn't bigger than Madonna.

Ha! Made him feel hungry AND powerful!

Yeah, and that SC judge, Jormushe, wasn't nearly as bad as I was expecting. Actually, neither is Mattis

He was comparing bad strategists to George, which makes sense….

I don't think they'd necessarily hate them if they met them. I'm a libtard and I like conservatives more than libbys generally, unless we talk politics.

Uh! Hate Shrek. I cannot stand referential humor, fucking terrible.

Me too!
I liked Marnie for a bit when I thought she was in the bubble butt video by major laser