
I never thought that cg animators had an easy job, just that their result looked shitty compared to practice.

Up vote for drizzt. He had a sweet scimitar.

I have no real rebuttal.

Yeah? That's dumb.

Sitting still and looking at screens makes you sore and grumpy, as does digitally communicating with others. Add in predominantly male and introverted, you're just going to have a lot of sweaty greasy anger.



"We’re not sure who he’ll be lusting after"

Yeah, I get that. That is what I felt about GWB and Obama. One I felt comfortable with making secret decisions based on secret intel and the other I didn't

I was floored when Rubio, and then Kasich did so badly.

I'd keep him for 8 more years.

Totally agree. We can thumb wrestle over the imaginary match-ups.

That's probable.

I acknowledge both those things, but all the other republicans would've stuck to the script, looked the part of "not Hillary, not Obama" and won in a close race. In my opinion, that is.

It doesn't even have to be sexism.

I don't personally like her because not getting into wars is my main issue, and I think she's quick on the trigger. Domestically, she's fine.

For sure, she beat him. But I don't think she would've come out ahead of any of the other candidates.

That's not what I meant. I don't think she could've won against any of the other republicans, because of the likability thing.

No shit. He's the only reason she's going to be prez.

Remember when the farm from season two had three wells, but they HAD to get the fat zombie out of one of them, because it was the right thing to do? All the while SURROUNDED by empty farms with wells?