
Spencerbot and Tasha did not lose because they are childless.Just last season Childless Mike beat 2 people with kids. They lost because Jeremy had people like Kimmi and Stephen on the jury he never betrayed and geuinely bonded with Spencer and Tasha meanwhile burned a lot of the jury at various points of the game.

Someone else in this thread the arguement to make from Spencer should have been you will lose my vote and XYZ are Kelley's allies so you will be out those votes as well. Not I will convince everyone to vote against you.

SJDS is a better f4 based on gameplay because Missy,Keith and Jacalyn in their 1st go round were smart enough to realize something 2nd time players Spencer and Tasha were oblivious too and that is Jeremy is way too good to let get to the end. Hell even the dimest bulb in SJDS Drew Christy was ahead of the curve and

If a player actually ever does die CBS will lose a consistent cash cow for them which is why contestants should just eat way more rice then allocated like in SJDS since no way will they let people starve.

She made some epic movies premerge but all she did the last few rounds was position herself as a swing vote btwn the women and spencer-jeremy and transparently pretend she would turn on Spencer or Jeremy during tribals but never do it.

Spencer actually said he didn't have anyone during FTC. All the Spencer is making bonds stuff in his confessionals seems like it was a smokescreen so it would look like we would have a hourse during FTC instead of Jeremy with 2 goats.

Stunk at challenges? On 2 seperate seasons he went to exactly 2 tribal councils premerge. Like is someone a challenge dud because they can't beat the golden boy Joe or a puzzle master like Spencer. The fact that Tasha,Kimmi,Spencer and Stephen saw what a huge threat Joe was but were oblivious to him speaks volumes to

I don't think anyone cares say who wins the Detroit or San Diego critic awards but I think having them is interesting for historical reasons. It will be nice for film buffs in 30 years to look back and see how various films that have either fallen off or grown in esteem performed in all these awards circuits.

Maybe he is not being taking out for being this super big threat because he isn't. In both seasons we are getting the edit with a lot of personal content and strategic narrative that other players aren't necessarily privy too. To them he is just another player out there and probably a little borderline Aspy like Ian

Solid gameplay from the cast? Not really solid from Tasha and Kimmi. Abi actually was buying into the womens alliance. So Tasha just voted out someone she could actually beat and Kimmi voted out someone willing to go to f3 with her. That round was advantage Jeremy. As he concvinced Spencer to side with him and pushed

I am giving Spencer the benefit of the doubt and that maybe he didnt side with the other group because Kelley would just try to go to f3 with abi and keith or that Abi was snowed by Jeremy,Kimmi and Tasha and his hands were tied anyway. But if he actually goes to f3 with Jeremy he is gonna get slaughtered.

I am giving Spencer the benefit of the doubt and that maybe he didnt side with the other group because Kelley would just try to go to f3 with abi and keith or that Abi was snowed by Jeremy,Kimmi and Tasha and his hands were tied anyway. But if he actually goes to f3 with Jeremy he is gonna get slaughtered.

Don't you mean so his perfect model wife could let everyone know how lucky she is to be married to someone who is so perfect at every aspect of life like Savage.

By sandbagging in indiv reward challenges. By picking your spots in team challenges. Keith is every bit the challenge threat as Joe yet in 2 seasons he has never been targeted as such. It's hard to root for a a guy who puts their own target on their back for no reason like that.

The One World and Vanuatu girls alliance were because the men and women started out on different tribes and were just Tribal Pagongingalliances. Kind of weird to think as much as the show plays up the "nightmare scenario" of a girls alliance taking out the fan favorite males of the game in the 27 season that did not

I don't think it's that bizarre a lot of people who are obnoxius 20 somethings grow up to be calm likeable middle aged people.

Ok who are the fans that didn't is the bigger question. Abi literally delivers every time she is on screen.

Russell lost due to no one wants to vote for a dbag a**hole syndrome. Tony played a pretty cutthroat game but he made bonds with other players and didn't just make "big moves" to stroke his own ego their was a purpose to everything he did.

SJDS premerge kinda sucked(cause it was focused on gamebots Jeremy/Josh) aside from the Drew boot. But the season was golden post merge and aside from the Savage boot nothing this season has approached being as entertaining as the best SJDS episodes. WA though will go down with Thailand or Fiji as the only seasons

Agreed with you. Outside of Abi and Jeff there is not been anyone/thing fun on the season. Spencer's popularity eludes me. Seems like a nice enough kid but his storyline is contrived,boring and 1 note. Jeremy seems he will be a deserving winner but he is just Tony/Mike redux at this point. Not sure why they had