I wonder if the game "passed them by" or that like 2/3's of the cast are from the last few seasons and have more built in pregame relationships to work with.
I wonder if the game "passed them by" or that like 2/3's of the cast are from the last few seasons and have more built in pregame relationships to work with.
Partly his social game and partly the fact that their are a million reasons for Jeremy to want to go to f3 with him.
His main ally though was Britney. Dan.Danielle and the guy who wore pink were always secondary allies.
Of course based on the edit because SJDS is not a season Survivor is gonna reflect on like PI or Cayagan but on the island I would imagine players went on the beach crunching the numbers on everyone.
Stephen Broing down is terrible strategy. The the nerdy guy has NEVER won teaming up with the alpha bro Jeremy,Ozzy,Savage types in 45 seasons of Survivor/BB. However Stephens archetype the nerdy male has won multiple times(Cochran,Ian,Steve) in recent season when they team up with alpha older females to take out the…
Yeah who would suspect 2 people who were alligned on a season a year ago would ever align again. No one
Considering they have had about 3 Spencer learns to become a real boy episodes this season it took a lot of the suspense out of the "blindside"
because it's unlikely someone who is getting that much charecter development is gonna be a premerge boot.
Their is great irony that Stephen has tunnel vision worried about the golden boy Joe being the new JT that he is oblivious to how Jeremy is essentially his new JT.
8 of the 14 players left are all from 3 seasons. Clearly not everyone knows what they are doing. *cough abi,kimmi,stephen*
TBH I would be shocked if someone with a lowkey status thus far won. At least with a Sophie-Natalie basically every utr female+Fabio a few episodes in you know where they stood and where people they were alligned with stood with them. Monica,Ciera,Kimmi,Keith and Kelly are way too purple in their status in the game…
One of these days someone is gonna get a concussion. I know a lot of people think this challenge is funny but I cringe when watching it.
It's pretty easy to explain . After the vote they are at final 16. Merge is typically at 12,not only are Woo's chance of making merge slim barring another sudden shuffle it's hard to imagine him being anywhere near the physical threat as a Joe,Jeremy,Terry,Kelley etc if that tribe is running on fumes and nowhere near…
Her edit is good but with her original tribe down 3 people and the minority on all 3 tribes her other Kelly or Spencer will need to play one helluva game to win.
Monica and Keith imo could still go far but yeah their lack of confessionals so far makes it easy to assume neither is a serious threat to win. Recent Surivor lots of 5th placers and the midgame jurors who get almost no storyline,pre jurors usually have some kind of decent arch which for Terry and Stephen makes me…
I don't get the Abi is untrustworthy thing from everyone. Varner is the one who was in power the first 2 episodes and flipped flopped on 2 the main alliance to "take out threats". Abi was on the bottom all 3 votes and just voting to save her neck. Woo already voted her and PG stole her personal items not sure why Abi…
Can Joe is Superman really sustain as a storyline until the finale? I think Kass has pontetial to win but Joe just screams early juror .
While PG had a lot of bad luck once she saw Abi flipping she should not have been so wishy washy. Should have just told Abi/Savage/Tasha whatever they wanted to hear and let Jeff go and worry about trying to worry about long term later.
If Tasha/Andrew had voted out Abi then Phei Gee and Woo who are both rational people would have gone back with Jeff at their next TC. Tasha absolutely made the right call keeping Hurricane Abi for now.Because she will not go back to Woo who voted her twice so Tasha/Andrew dictate the next boot.
To be fair to Woo's tribe they had the lead in 1 of the 2 IC's and their loses seemed entirely due to the other team being better at puzzles.
If you excluded people for narcissism you would be eliminating about half the people who make it on Survivor and various other reality shows.