
As far as the fingering goes is that really all the much different then a straight guy who will let women put finger(s) up the bum,and be completely "grossed out" about something as simple as a kiss or rub from a guy. Ian see's Trevor as a male so I don't see it all that weird he would be open to new things. At least

Agree with you 110% that Adam and Jeremy definitely deserved to win as they were much superior social players to their f3 opponents. That said I do wonder if her strategic game would have not been dismissed so easily and would have been accepted more if she was a dude.

No mean spiritedness? Look how often in the finale Bret called people(Hannah,Ken) stupid and crazy just because they made moves that did not benefit his own game or were played the way he would not approach the game.

Star power might be overrated for an actor or actresses box office draw but for a tv show people watch every week for a couple times a year draw power is a huge factor. Shameless for example Macy might have been the name hook in season 1 but they could have killed him off at any point by the second season and the

Trump himself may not be a racist but he spent 5 years promoting a racist conspiracy about a sitting President,and stated a man can not do his job due to his race aka the definition of rcacism. Add to that has advocated on 2 occasions for people to shoot his general election opponent and openly talked about admiration

Acclaimed Auteurs is one thing but giving the guys who made Elizabethtown and Australia unlimited budgets seems kinda stupid. Now David Lynch,Werner Herzog,Tarantino or Kar Wai Wong and baby you've got yourself a stew

Nikita was also a huge hit in many countries in Europe and Asia

It seems not just Presidential candidates but Senators and congress people are older then in the past. I would say mostly because a 50-60 year old has decades on a 25-40 year old in doing all the kind of networking it takes to get elected even to something as meaningless as state rep.

She is included because she was a premerge boot with a 2 episode arc. Even if she was a fan who showed strategic prowess being an early boot on a season Probst didn't like it seemed an unlikely scenario of her coming back after SJDS. The one thing working in Anna's favor is Production loves their premade tropes so if

Considering Kelley Wentworth,Franquesca and Monica Padilla came back and people like Mikayah and Stephanie Valencia were given a chance to come back I wouldn't rule out any females who have ever played Survivor possibly returning.

On the other hand considering what everyone smells like and how you are food deprived out there I would think the flirtations of a pretty gal like Anna are less effective on Survivor then they would be in something like Big Brother.

Considering Sable is married to Brock Lesnar I would imagine her not being in the HOF has more to do with her not wanting to be in the limelight anymore rather than how her relationship with WWE ended.

She was not good at the game but I actually respect that she did not fake romantic feelings for someone for the sake of improving her chances on a reality tv game show.

Since Parvati actual works for CBS and does preshow stuff I would imagine her ever returning is a huge gray area. Then you have Brian the puppykiller,Richard Hatch the nude grinder, Ethan's cancer,Bob Crowleys age,Cochran being a CBS writer and that's 6 past winners out of the running off the bat. Seems to me if their

I am not sure if she is a recruit but based on her pre show video it appears she prepared heavily for the season and is actually a tomboy she just is young and not the brightest bulb. Irregardless I kinda feel bad for her cause I think a lot of the people on that tribe held it against her off the bat personally for

I think that stat has more to do with casting then with the players being racist themselves though the show has had its fair share of racist players. For example I am pretty sure a lot of the casting for black females has been to fit an eyerolling "sassy" trope and therefore on average most black females are less

Stallone has made so many shitty films over his career does this mean Sandler and Michael Bay will get standing ovatations at the Golden Globes in 15-20 years and a lifetime achievement Oscar.

Is it because they are both of Italian Ancestry on their Paternal side.

And yet the majority of f2 votes are competitive and yet with F3's ever since Ozz vs Yul the first time the other 80% have been blowouts. Had Woo voted off Kass that would have been a real fight. Natalie vs Phillip would have been another one.

The fact that Spencer could probably only beat Abi ,Kass and Tasha has more to do with him actually being pretty poor at building relationships. Joe was a huge jury threat and he is not much older then Spencer but he went out there and made genuine bonds with the Savages, Kelley's and Keiths.