We just drifted apart after 18 years together - 13 of them married. We both wanted things that weren't compatible with what the other wanted. We have kids but we live very close to each other so sharing them isn't a problem.
We just drifted apart after 18 years together - 13 of them married. We both wanted things that weren't compatible with what the other wanted. We have kids but we live very close to each other so sharing them isn't a problem.
Well, that was the only part of your question that confused me. Anyway, I'm also divorced, and there is no way I'm ever getting married again. My marriage was actually very positive, I get along well with my ex, and we both agree we are better off now than we probably would have been if we'd never been married. Maybe…
How can you have just gone through a divorce, and not understand the legal pros that come with marriage? You just untangled it all, so you must be aware of it.
Some of the transgenic plants that have been developed have genes in them that could not possibly have gotten there through natural means. I'm not totally against it, but it does concern me. It is so far outside of what can be obtained through selective breeding, that there's no way we can anticipate what the long…
I don't think he did personally, but I'm guessing with a huge harem and a lot of power, he probably had quite a variety of women. I wouldn't be surprised if people seeking his favor would bring him "exotic" women.
Genghis Khan had a lot of kids with a lot of wives - maybe he had one with an Indian. I'm only half kidding. GK had an immense harem. Also, GKs physical appearance itself is a matter of discussion.
Thanks, but I'm used to it. Someone always gets angry. iwillrule actually wrote a bunch of replies to me like this one, but I just dismissed the other ones.
Me too, it's drinks or coffee. I don't even know why I give the coffee option though, since my coffee dates always suck, while my alcohol dates usually go good. Coffee makes me edgy, alcohol makes me charming.
Who does that on a first date? I'm assuming you hadn't had sex with each other yet? I would never ask someone one a date that would involve an overnight stay unless we'd already done the deed at least a couple of times. That's seems incredibly awkward.
My ex-wife did not know there was a difference until I explained it to her. Afterwards, she was unimpressed and did not care. She is a college educated woman. She just doesn't care about anatomy any more than she cares about how her car works. Fair enough, in my opinion.
So are you saying that any sort of negative behavior by a person totally negates all of their positive behavior? Good qualities don't give you a pass, but I don't think you have to have 100% good qualities and no bad ones to be a positive person.
Why don't you read some of my replies to others in this thread.
Would it be weird to whip these out for a casual hookup? I'm guessing yes, it would be weird.
As a condom hater, I believe I will try these. Thanks! One question - does the partner feel the hot/cold, or just the wearer?
Well okay, you've got a good point here. In that case I suppose revenge does play a role.
Revenge is personal. I see what you're saying, but I don't think revenge is the right word.
I do not understand your comment. I can't speak to all "Western" countries, but in the US the state brings criminal charges, not the injured party. Revenge doesn't enter into it.
I don't really have that much back hair, but I have enough that it makes me self-conscious. I alternately blade shave, electric shave, epilate, and/or use Nair for men - whatever strikes my fancy. I can reach all the areas because I'm pretty limber.
God, I hope he has some good qualities, otherwise that's 100 years of shitty behavior.
Thanks! I'm glad you've found some managers that know how to treat people with respect.