Sherlock Homey

Oh, I'm a man, and I have no doubt that this kind of assault happens regularly, I just don't understand how it doesn't catch up with you before age 50.

How does a man go through 50 years of life, have a family, a professional job, and presumably an education, while acting like this? Whenever I read stories similar to this, I've got to think that the person must be having some major mental issues. That in no way excuses their behavior, but I just can't believe they

What does your last paragraph have to do with anything I said?

Where are you getting this from? Who has said we are supposed to think this guy is sweet and innocent?

She could have just talked to the conference organizers without publicly tweeting a pic. Or she could have tweeted her displeasure, without the pic.

Complain to the conference organizers directly, instead of through twitter?

For the record, there is a lot I admire about many European countries. I travel to various countries quite often, and I've yet to go to one I wasn't impressed with in one way or another. Still, I have a hard time not smirking when getting lectured on the obvious inferiority of some aspect of the USA. Americans are

The hell you say! A person need only state "I am European," and every opinion that follows is superior to your USA opinion (sneer), especially if it has to do with politics or healthcare. Everyone knows that each of the "50 internationally recognised [sic] sovereign states with territory located within the common

If anyone suggests you report your weight, height, body fat, and blood pressure, you're going to go berserk? If you go to see a doctor, they are probably going to collect this information, so prepare to freak out. If you are covered by your school, there is a chance that your primary care doctor will be part of the

You're still not reading correctly. The only penalty is for not disclosing information. If you disclose the information, there is no penalty, regardless of your weight.

Are you seriously saying that I should ask everyone I date, right up front, if they are trans or cisgendered?

8 1/2 is arguably the best Italian film available for streaming on Netflix.

This article has an oddly scholarly tone, considering the only authority it cites is a couple of bloggers, a comment on a blog, and a link to "research" that isn't research at all, but just another blog article. I know it's just an opinion piece, but it adopts a tone of authority with no authority to back it up.

You are being intentionally obtuse. It's obvious he's talking about sex and not gender. Instead of a passive aggressive answer, why don't you try to explain the difference, or not answer at all.

Most of bullying education I have seen focuses as much on how to not be a bully, as it does on how to deal with bullies. Has this not been your experience?

How do you, or Jezebel, know who is a male or female poster?

What exactly do you mean by "no real genetic difference." There's an entire chromosome worth of difference.

Hah, I have personally known two women who abandoned their husbands and young children and ran away with "exciting" men who turned out to be shitheels. It works both ways.

All people produce both estrogen and testosterone naturally.

That's definitely a wig.