Sherlock Homey

That's actually a pretty good point about truly amateur porn. I suppose it is non-capitalist. Hmmmm, your scab question is pretty good too! I doubt the paid porn actors care much, because after all, they're getting paid to have sex, and it's hard to complain about that. As for the producers, I'm sure they wish free

The only reason porn is produced, or sex is sold, is so it can be exchanged for money or other goods. They are both inherently capitalist. Please explain to me what non-capitalist porn or sex-work would look like.

I have to ask, because I see different variations on this argument over and over - are you trying to say that sex does not, or should not, be subject to special treatment and consideration amongst things people do with their bodies? Maybe that's not what you are saying, so I'm honestly asking.

I travel to the Netherlands quite a bit, and at 5'8" I feel tiny there, so I know what you mean.

I find it so strange. I do a little online dating, and a common answer I see on OKC to the question "What is the first thing people notice about you?" is - My Height! I'm so short! Then I'll look and they're like 5'2".

Haven't they just added to the catalogue of porn movies, rather than changed porn culture? All the types of porn that were made 10 years ago are still being made.

Obviously there are lots of problems in the fashion industry, but the whole height thing is ridiculous. The average height of women in the US is only about 5'4"!

I just felt like being a jerk. You are right of course, it's best to provide some authority if you're trying to make a point. :)

I'm not sure if you're right about that. Citation please.

Everything on is just as manufactured and inauthentic as the stuff from other major studios. It's the same bunch of actors!

You're gonna catch flack for this, but I see what you are saying. Porn is to film what party-rock is to music. Sure, you can turn it this way and that, apply whatever theory you want to it, imagine what it would be like if this or that marginalized group was better represented in it, but after the thousandth article,

I guess you're right, it's really no different than anything else.

Point taken.

Don't you need more than two seconds, and just a little small-talk, to figure out if you're attracted to someone? I've approached women I thought I was attracted to, and then after a little conversation realized I just wasn't. Is it just me? Am I weird?

Well, I guess not. But you can fill in the little heart!

Seeing as how Ms. Baker finished her piece by stating more speech is the ideal, making a pro-censorship argument within the same piece would look a little silly. I see your point, but I don't think she forgot to make it - I think it deserves a different discussion.

If you hover over their icon with your mouse, you can click the heart to follow them. It has to be their icon, not their name.

If you hover over their icon with your mouse, you can click the heart to follow them. It has to be their icon, not their name.

Same here for the scale. Sometimes a person will say they've dated a couple of 10s, or they only date 9s and 10s, which by my account would be almost impossible. I don't even think I've ever met someone I consider a 10 - it's just a mythical construct in my head.