
My lawyer advises me not to answer any further question.

“We made”? Is this a confession?

Drive the hell out of them, no pun intended, until they are too broke to be driven any more sounds like a fun plan to me. The profit was the shouts of yeehaw we made along the way, I guess.

I really wish they made a “offline” destiny, where we can experience the whole story, from 1 to finish, with ALL seasonal stuff, ALL missions, exotics and everything, and truly experience everything this amazing games have to offer. I stopped playing after two or three seasons of the moon expansion, and I started the

yeah. game is only enjoyable once you play... about 1000 hours and spent the time unlocking everything there is to unlock and start to really “play” the game. Until then, the experience is kind of shit. I came back from a year+ hiatus and the experience only gets worse because of certain class items locked behind a

It’s not a problem, the hijinks were great, and then became even better once you realized the depth of the characters layered underneath them.

A lot of the time a slow burn gives us time to get invested in the characters and the basic story while letting the mystery build over the first 1/3 or so. It’s asking a lot

Couldn’t agree more, doesn’t suprise me either, I’d quit too if I was in his position. I’d take the site down and just have a message that said “the few ruined it for the many” and post as much as I could with an identity/username, etc. of the people that made it a last straw.

Being self-indulgent is thanking a ton of other people? Who woulda known!

If you want to complain the speech took too long and was filled with pauses, sure. But it’s an awards show. Being self-indulgent is kind of the point. (in other words: don’t watch them if you hate it)

Selfish and ignorant is whining about a person giving a speech when they get an award.

i thought he really classed up the ceremony personally. he set the tone for the others who followed, collectively giving everyone permission to act like human beings and less like the corporate drones they typically come off as.

I wish I could star this post thirty more times.


Maybe if anti-diversity hadn’t been forced down our throats for decades, you wouldn’t be having this so-called “problem”:

We need to hold ALL video games to a higher standard. There is a higher percentage of boring time wasting garbage than their ever has been before.

This is a ridiculous statement. Voice acting isn’t merely showing up to the session and reading your lines. Those sessions might have totaled 20 hours, but the “research” that takes place before the session - reading through the script, understanding the context, deciding how to approach each line, discussing things

While this flowchart is very in-depth, it’s missing a critical section, after the first no there should be “Do you have a black friend?” and then from there it should say “Yes -> No” and then “No -> No”

It’s so thoughtful of him to provide instant video corroboration of himself being a piece of shit after being banned for being a piece of shit.