
It appears that said cop was providing the rear security for the main force. The last thing you want be is "that guy" who let some jag off come up on your buddies six. A little aggressive? Sure, but don't try and walk up behind cops in the middle of a frickin riot. There is an escalation of force that cops have to

Never forgive. Never forget.

Now playing

All I know was that the Lemmings DOS game taking up untold days of my time in the early 1990s was no myth.

Know, O prince, that between the years when the oceans drank Atlantis and the gleaming cities, and the years of the rise of the Sons of Aryas, there was an Age undreamed of, when shining kingdoms lay spread across the world like blue mantles beneath the stars and long story short Conan is 1,000 times better than

I am sorry.

"Seriously, people? Conan is winning over Highlander?!"

Can we make "ain't" a 'proper' word already? It's so damn satisfying.

I love this Sagan quote - the essence of ignosticism - before asking whether God exists, you have to establish the parameters of the God you're trying to prove or disprove. That's what I believe.

Looked like Nyquil to me, not mouthwash.

Trans-food. I believe that is the term for this.

Guns don't kill good game design. People kill good game design.

I guess GSP only knows one accent.

Jeez...How stupid can people be???? Hoverboards are so next year!

While the intentions were not malevolent this is yet another example of why I am not a fan of any "always on" "pure digital" future for games: complete 100% lack of control and ownership.
Microsoft: "Hey, nice controller you got there. Can we fuck with it?"
Me: "What? No, I'd rather you didn't. It's working fine

I put forward Ender Wiggin. Pre-teen xenocidal murderer. Yes, I know I have to hate Orson Scott Card for all his disgusting ideas, but he nevertheless created one of the most tragic heroes of all time, in any genre. Just read the first trilogy, not the Shadow saga.

Certainly not the Ultimate Warrior.

Best Zoo ever by definition!

Well, I ma one of those that believe the notion of "separation of church and state" has been taken out of context and a bit too far.

Now playing

oh yeah, partner, the music at the end was just awful. how many pieces would have fit a burning house? burning DOWN a house? a house on fire? FIRE...and the director chose that junk. modern country music suxxxx.

How wasn't Beth completely smashed?