
It appears that said cop was providing the rear security for the main force. The last thing you want be is "that guy" who let some jag off come up on your buddies six. A little aggressive? Sure, but don't try and walk up behind cops in the middle of a frickin riot. There is an escalation of force that cops have to

Guns don't kill good game design. People kill good game design.

Jeez...How stupid can people be???? Hoverboards are so next year!

While the intentions were not malevolent this is yet another example of why I am not a fan of any "always on" "pure digital" future for games: complete 100% lack of control and ownership.
Microsoft: "Hey, nice controller you got there. Can we fuck with it?"
Me: "What? No, I'd rather you didn't. It's working fine

I don't know what makes her more naive, that she didn't suspect him of cheating or that she actually expects him to read that entire letter.

Now we have to figure out what class/alignment Ice T would be.

( . Y . )

If I can load up my own music to play, I might be interested. But if it's full of dubstep / Skrillex crap, forget it.

What I took away from this: wait, the whole camera is just a lens? And he controls everything with his iPhone? That's cool as fuck.

Yes. I'd imagine that is the soon-to-be damsel in distress, laid across the model tracks by the villain Snidly Whiplash.

Have you guys seen Norwegian prisons? They're not the same as here at all. They aim to rehabilitate rather than punish. While I agree that he should never be allowed free, their culture is different.…

"I can see them from my house!"

See, "goukaku" (合格) means "successfully passing an exam." And "ii yokan" (いい予感) means a "good premonition." So, if written like "goukaku ii yokan" (合格いい予感), it means "to have a good premonition of exam success." Clever!

Here's an idea: bear down and focus on your studies, you embarrassing piece of shit.

She apparently also went for tickets to a garden show.

Both are unaware the other is famous.

This article doesn't have enough adjectives in it. You need things like 'scary', 'terrifying' and 'dangerous' to fulfill the necessary Gawker requirements for posting about projectile weapons.