Honest question: How does hypnosis work? I always disregarded it as pseudoscience but clearly something happened that this man was able to assault these women.
Honest question: How does hypnosis work? I always disregarded it as pseudoscience but clearly something happened that this man was able to assault these women.
Truly sickening. I don’t even know how the people that perpetuate crimes like this look their families in the eye or at themselves in the mirror. AND we also now have proof that fucking hypnotism works? I always thought it was made up.
Me too!
Horrifically, this is the least disturbing thing I’ve read so far today. Thanks, Trump!
They’re jealous because Michelle Obama can outclass any of them *any day*
Gaston totally grabs women by the pussy.
Trump and his staff didn’t realize they had to hire a White House staff to run things. I really wish Obama hadn’t told him that, and just kept paying the current staff to stay on with his own money. “Uh, yeah, these people were all here when I got elected. They mess up a lot, but you know, ya can’t fire ‘em...”
I am 1,000% convinced that’s why Trump ran. The whole fucking thing was just to get to that meeting at the White House. Trump didn’t think a second past that. Why do you think he looked so terrified?
Pretty much, he’ll have rallies where he can say dumb shit and people cheer endlessly for him.
He wants to keep doing rallies tho
Seriously. People make fun of Obama’s pauses....but that’s because he’s actually taking the time to think about what he’s saying. And it (not) shockingly always makes sense.
If only Obama didn’t openly mock him at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner in 2011 I wonder if we would be in a whole different political landscape right now. I mean, I don’t blame Obama for mocking Trump, but he is so vindictive that I wouldn’t be surprised if he decided to run just to spite Obama and try to…
I am trying very hard not to be so angry, because it zaps all my energy and doesn’t help in any conversion efforts I attempt with Trump voters. I look for signs of their humanity- like, say, pictures of their cats on Facebook. But Jesus. These fuckers welcomed a predator into the flock.
I keep hoping for an announcement saying the elections were hacked and Hilary really won.
I hit a point, somewhere around 2007, where I just could not listen GWB’s smug, smarmy voice any more. Whenever he came on TV or the radio, I turned it off. I kind of hated doing it because I felt really uninformed, but I just couldn’t.
There is such a delightful lack of word salad when Obama speaks.
Prior to the election, Obama flat out told the American people Trump was unfit. Members of both Bushes cabinet lined up to endorse Hillary. 99.99% of all newspapers endorsed her, many of them early, and using increasingly urgent language. People just didn’t listen. They listened to their own, easily manipulated brains…