
The president isn’t allowed to have a smartphone because hacking them is to easy. Twitter use should diminish.

We all remember how they had to take away Obama’s Blackberry when he first took office until they could get one with extra security. They’re going to have to ban Trump from Twitter or filter his tweets and approve what he can pay.

i started to wonder last night if Melania is not the infamous Ivan from all those spy movies from the 70s & 80s. the Karla from the John le Carre books...

As horrified as I am about this fucking nightmare, that is one small consolation that fills me with so much glee. There is no longer a “Clinton Emails She Doesn’t Bske Cookies Benghazi” that he can use to distract the media and the American people when he fucks up. Sure, he might be able to throw some blame at Paul

I truly think some of the fifth graders I work with would be better at running a country than this crusty cheeto

God, I’m so fucking exhausted already.

What sort of pansy ass nancy boy of a President have we elected if he’s going to cry about a few thousand protesters being “unfair”?

You can fuck right off if you are protesting and voted for Stein or Johnson.

How did you know my stepdad’s name is Frank?!

Right. He has to point out the protests are “small”

Yes. I keep muttering to myself, “Dumbass!”

Finally, I was wondering when you guys were going to write about this!

The protestors are “professionals” and tens of thousands of people only count as “small groups”? These are attempts to delegitimize his opposition, and I wonder if he will switch from scapegoating minorities to scapegoating everyone who disagrees with him.

maybe they’ll try to condition him? they could hit him on the nose with a newspaper every time he logs into twitter.

Picturing the Secret Service reading his tweets and collectively throwing their heads back and moaning, “Fuck me this is going to be a long four years.”

The protesters- many of whom likely voted for Jill Stein and wrote all over Facebook that Trump and Hillary were no different- are now freaking out because their lives will be impacted, for some of them, horrendously.

Why does it always look like Melania wants to hang herself?

Look, a lot of people are saying that Donald Trump tried to have Megyn Kelly assassinated. I don’t know, you tell me. All I know is what I get from the internet. People say that Trump tried to have her poisoned with a very powerful poison. Very powerful. It’s great stuff, I tell you. Great stuff. Everyone knows it is.

What are you supposed to make of the story of the woman selling a book? Buy the book and figure it out. She’ll be in her 3rd vacation home.

(Ailes) seemed to be nakedly colluding with the Republican presidential nominee.