I could not bring myself to watch ANY news yesterday, and I won’t be able to watch that speech for a good, long while, I can tell you that much. I’m not even going to lie, I’m not ready for this.
I could not bring myself to watch ANY news yesterday, and I won’t be able to watch that speech for a good, long while, I can tell you that much. I’m not even going to lie, I’m not ready for this.
Between this and this
Next year they’ll be choosing a president.
By over-breeding. That is the theory. Their “pure” blood is being tarnished by race mingling. These guys are obsessed with breeding and keeping the white wimmen safe from those black and brown penises.
I suppose when you have literally accomplished nothing in your life and have nothing to be proud of, the ONE THING you can latch onto is the thing you had no control over.
you would think these people would be well over six foot tall Vikings with chiseled jawlines, a body like David and Mensa level intelligence. I doubt it is surprising that they are very much not that.
They started with the Muslims and Mexicans..which led to the blacks... it’s obvious who’s next, they made a few anti-semetic remarks but more is on it’s way. I can see it now: Now that we have the momentum it’s time to tear down the Jewish control of the worlds finances!!!!
And that’s what scares them about an even playing field. They can’t even compete with other white people. Heaven forbid, wimmens and brown people get a seat at the table. You would think being of “superior” genetic stock these folks would excel at all the things.
They’re people who have nothing about themselves to feel good about except imagining that their race makes them intrinsically better than at least some people.
Yeah, it’s really been pissing me off hearing people try to blame Hillary and the Dem. party for not “including” these poor, lost souls.
“This was how it started”
“But but....it’s about economic anxiety!” - White Americans since Tuesday night
I suspect there are a LOT of things he doesn’t yet realize.
It is for this reason that I wish The Donald great longevity. I suspect Uncle Mike would be an even more terrifying leader.
I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about this and I’m pretty sure Pence is worse.
Don’t you have anything better to do with your time than create a trump-centric username on a feminist website just to ridicule women. Probably not, because I am positive that you are just a sweatpants-wearing mouth-breathing misogynist troll piece of shit who just wants to put women in their place. I’ll tell you…
Ha, goodbye Washington Post, hello National Enquirer.
Dude realizes that his life henceforth is going to be subject to public scrutiny just a tad, right???
Can’t wait till the media that coddled this bastard (and are continuing to in the wake of his election) get their comeuppance when he shuts them out regularly during the Presidency. Especially when they spent so much time lambasting the Obama administration on their transparency and trying to make them out to be…