
We can only hope that will be her next realization, especially as she is very likely fending off a deluge of abuse from Trump zealots today.

True. With trump gone, the GOP will finally stand up for women and minorities!

One must ask why she’s a Republican. Trump is not a 2016 phenomenon, he is the pure id of the Republican voter.

I have to give this woman credit. While I think the republican party as a whole stands for some backwards, racist, sexist, greedy principles that defy logic, civility, and science, when it mattered this woman did what was right. So many partisan folks will not step back and assess reality. Good for her. I may disagree

I like Ana and give her lots of credit but at the same time the decision should not be a difficult one. This is about human decency.

Hideous men = beautiful.

“Look at this mask. Look at this mask. Oh wow. Wow, that’s beautiful,”

This is how we bridge the divide.

What if The Upside Down is Quor’toth?

I would literally rather go to The Upside Down.

“Is there any place more fun to be than a Trump rally?”

My partner is a middle-class, white, heteosexual, cis-gendered man who was raised in a patriarchal evangelical Christan household. While he is about 100 times more progressive than one would expect, given his background, he’s nevertheless really struggled to recognize the depths of his own privilege (you know, a lot

I’m partial to the “Truck Fump” ones myself. :)

An asshole at my workplace has adopted the whole thing wholeheartedly. He’s plastered the entire tailgate of his pickup truck with the ENORMOUS words “I am deplorable! Vote Trump!”

But. but..they’re following the Constitution. They’re the Constitution people. Right?

I like when he calls journalists the “worst people on the planet.” The worst. In the same speech he talks about ISIS beheadings.

Truth hurts and they’re forever suffering, if you hear them tell it.

First, it was open season for Hillary, now it’s for journalists and tomorrow for the rest of the population who disagrees with him??? Welcome to PURGE the Trumpsgrade style!!!

Who needs terrorists to disrupt a nation’s way of life when you can just convince half of them to hate their own constitution, to want to dismantle their own rights.