He had that rightwing radio douche voice down pat.
6 more days until VPR! I am so excited I should probably seek counseling.
Erika’s “I just did” was a perfect mid-afternoon soundbite.
Erika is easily my favorite housewife of all time.
A+ Kinja name!!!
Erika. I love Erika so much. She is the very definition of everything I want to be in my dreams.
That was 100% my takeaway from this.
this season is looking like a close second to RHONY
Ugh come on Eileen.... admit you’re the worst!
I adore Erika!
WHAT DOES ERIKA DEAL WITH EVERY NIGHT?!?!?!?! (Besides old man dick?)
Now that Trump is self-destructing, I feel even those in swing states have the opportunity to vote their conscience.