
the shorter she is, the more intimidating i find her tbh

You know what?

Yes, Chelsea is just pretending to smile from ear to ear when she talks about her mom and what she means to her. /s

Eh, plenty of fathers don’t care about kids, even their own. I think President Obama just has a really soft spot for children. He seems to light up around them.

Do not take advice from people on Jezebel who do not know you or your boyfriend.

Pig in a blanket. I stayed nice and warm all day.

I can’t with this petty motherfucker. Grown ass man still rhyming about some woman he broke up with two years ago. Get the fuck off my lawn.

“Exercise your right to vote... don’t let my hard work be in vain!”-Suffragette from 1908 here speaking to the future.

Ron from Harry Potter ⚡️🚂⚡️😊

Last year, with her infinity scarf, fleece vest, booties, broken iPhone, Pumpkin Spice Latte, and strong opinions about fall, my dog was textbook definition of “Basic Bitch”

I dressed up as a basket of deplorables:

My daughter is 20 months and she gets no say in her costume so she is Indiana Jones

My sister and I did Eleven and Joyce Byers from Stranger Things!

My coworker and I were Teddy & Dolores from Westworld!

My son is going as Eleven.

My son went as zombie Michael Jackson from Thriller. His idea

Welp, here’s my baby as Rosie the Riveter again. Spit bubbles and all!

It’s our little grrrl’s first Halloween! Adeline is a lion and I’m regretting wearing all black (I’m going as my gothy high school self, I guess) because now I’m covered in fuzz. She’s so damn cute, though.

Linus as Pooh