
The emails didn’t come from Clinton or her private server. The device the emails were found on did not belong to her either. Only 3 of the emails are being checked & the campaign is pushing for complete transparency in the investigation.


After watching that documentary on him, I’m sure in some way that shitbird is pleased with the attention. If I have to endure his self-righteous shouting on CNN tonight I will lose it.

“When I was eight, I stole keys out of my dad’s leather jacket pocket to get into a locked alley behind my house. The reason why doesn’t matter.”

We won’t know for a couple of days. If only somebody could reveal Trump’s tax returns to level the playing field.


Knew it. It sounded so fake, too many specific details. Don’t like it that some people are using this as an excuse for Creative Writing 101- that’s now how this works!

This was the only one to give me goosebumps. All of the rest, I could easily say “Ok, that was just a dream that she got the cell phone call, and she overheard someone mention Maria, just a coincidence” or “Seriously, Brian, you don’t send torture porn to a high schooler, what the fuck, man” but Venka made me shiver.

There’s only three requirements for submission, and one of them is that the story has to be true. So how does stuff like this end up “winning”? Makes me sad and angry. Sangry?

“Jane was living on a farm in very rural Appalachia”

No. The new President/former VP then nominates someone for his former post that is then confirmed by majority vote of both Houses of Congress.

Probably. But again, they don’t seem to understand that they don’t just get to appoint their own guy to the presidency if she is removed. They get Kaine.

For whatever reason, I was the most terrified by the mental image of a would-be attacker crawling on the floor. Just fucking terrifying.

I spent an entire evening last week reading all of the comments and then the previous years stories and scared myself so hard. Bf was very annoyed that he essentially had to babysit me for the night. I’m sure he will be thrilled about this!

Thanks! I’m not sleeping all weekend now! :)

ahhhhhh I just read all of these and then found out that my partner has to go out of town for the weekend. here’s to a few nights of me scaring the crap out of myself in an empty apartment :(

Its fine. I hate sleeping. Who needs sleep?

YAYYYYYYYYY!!!! I submitted mine too late sadly and it got buried. Here it is if anyone would like to read it:

My Halloween this year has been devoid all things spooky! It has been for the last 3 years (pregnant, then a 10 month old, now a 21 month old). So I’m going to save this for tonight (or tomorrow night). Curl up under my bed and purposefully spook myself out!