
Yep. Random homeless guy reeking of urine on the train, boss’s boss who would have had me fired if I’d complained, and several in between. Whee.

How about a man less powerful, a man equally powerful, oh, and sure, a man more powerful.

There may be early-Internet reasons but at this point it’s just slang.

Silver Lining: the next time someone tells me the only reason POC get killed by police is because of non-compliance and/or threatening the police, I can use the Bundys as a counter.

Obviously these people were really judged by a jury of their peers.

The ignorance here concerns me. The jury gets to decide if the law makes sense and should be enforced. Jury nullification is an important element of our legal system. Can any of you lamenting the verdict allow for the possibility that the evidence presented to the jury showed that the defendants had a legitimate

What a bunch of fucking idiots! Why did they not at least charge them with destruction of public property as they clearly did that. How they all got acquitted of this is just beyond belief. Now I have seen two trials that I truly question the US judicial process and the people who serve on juries: This & OJ.

(To be

So if you’re a white welfare rancher, you and your buddies can aim guns at federal agents, squat in a federal building and get off scot-free, but if you’re not white, and someone with the inability to determine body language thinks you’re a threat because of the color of your skin, you’re going to end up dead. If

So if you’re a white redneck anti-government extremist and the jury of your peers is comprised of local yokels, you can camp for free on a federal wildlife refuge for as long as you like and destroy as much public property as you want, and you don’t even have to pack out your trash.

There is no greater example of white privilege than these assholes. Look at what is happening in ND with the pipeline and the Sioux and IT IS THERE OWN LAND.

So what’s next? A herioc memroial to the liberators of that fascist bastion the Malheur Wildlife Refuge?

RIGHT! That’s what the Dakota Pipeline protesters are doing wrong! They need a building. And to be white! And guns!

Fuck these fucking fucks with their fucking unanticipated dildos.

WTF America!?!? You’re at a tipping point here.

I don’t understand this. So they walk away scott free from occupying this federal land and shitting up public property for almost a month? There is nothing else they can charge them with?? I mean there is no question about what happened and who did what. I’m just baffled.

Time to go squat in the White House.

Words fail me.

Next time just shoot them.