
How have they still not learned anything in the 8 years of wasting Obama’s time and screwing over the country?

Oh please let’s win the House. I can’t stand eight more years of Congress refusing to actually do any work.

I think I figured out the problem with these optical illusions: those of us who are sober see paint and some people are on meth and see glazed legs.

When I read “illicit pool” I thought of something like this:

Blah blah blah I’m happy for them but those quotes are god awful attempted poetry. Like real bad. Her heart is full of deep ocean minerals? What does that even mean??

And if they didn’t, that’d be a missed opportunity, ‘cause you know if someone’s attempting this, its the one and only time it’ll happen.

No one has more respect for women than that guy. NO ONE.

There is a troll I want to go off on in the comments but I refuse to ungrey him.

I am so sick of the “cool aloof guy doesn’t want to be tied down/acknowledge he actually is into a woman” thing. It’s so immature and played out.

Perfect! I’m a nasty woman who only likes ketchup on hot dogs!🙃

mewling mayoboy

Damn... lucky you. Or if a commenter stars your post you’ll be ungreyed... only temporarily but Rachel is sweet and is the one who ungreys the most.

Try posting more and then beg to be de-greyed. I think they check your previous posts to make sure that you’re not a troll.

Jez needs to follow you.

That must be awkward.

Yes, we can’t believe her if she ever shows any emotions besides shame and terror.

Could people please flag that hautsch troll? His comments have really crossed the line. Thanks.

Swift didn’t “claim” to be “traumatized”. She didn’t used that word at all. She described being very upset three years ago. It’s gross that you’re making stuff up and attributing it to a sexual assault victim just to call her a liar. Sexual assault is still a crime when the victim is able to make jokes three years

Welp, since someone already brought you out of the greys, I’m curious. What SHOULD a traumatized person act like? Please, tell me, I want to take notes so that I can be sure to perform trauma sufficiently should I ever be in a similar situation. You know, in case a jury is full of people like you.

People make jokes at funerals. It doesn’t mean they’re not hurting.