
Trump shall over comb.

I know that he specifically ruled out the ladies, but part of me wishes that the Rock would have a feud brewing with Helen Mirren.

“Eastwood” is synonymous with “candy-ass”, in my lexicon.

I know and understand everything you are saying. But, I don’t feel Lilly King’s response to a known rule breaker was extreme. We can't be seen as supporting such horrible tactics in other countries. While we may feel sympathy, it is not up to our country to fix broken countries.

I can understand how Piers would be confused that someone might have integrity for their job, given that he has none for his.

I have basically no sense of patriotism but during the olympics I shout “AMERICA FUCK YEAH” at my TV 24/7.

Okay, I get that you need ad revenue to survive, but having a giant advertisement between every single comment thread is beyond obnoxious.

It really seems like putting lipstick on a pig. If I’m eating noodles from plastic wrap, it’s not because I’m all about putting thought and effort into meal prep.

My four year old niece fully believes she’s Iron Man and gets audibly upset with me if I refer to her as Anthony Stark instead of Tony Stark. Also, if ever at an event that offers face painting, it’s always Iron Man or Spiderman. If not for the fact that her parents have started taking annual Disney cruises with her

Nobody sleeps that deep. That boy dead.

I suppose, but I kind of think that basically everything is problematic. I think its more helpful to let kids experience these things and then explain why they are problematic rather than shielding them from so much

In fairness, it does appear that the writer really enjoyed her cruise experience, and so did her family. She reported some little-known unpleasant facts about the industry. Not the same as shitting all over someone’s vacation choices, which is frankly rude and should not have happened to you. Whoever did that is

I used to work with this little old Russian lady who had an interesting philosophy. To paraphrase, “Life is shit. Everything will probably go horribly wrong tomorrow. Have a good day.”

Every morning I’d ask her how she was, and she’d respond, “Feh! Life is shit. I am miserable. Everything hurts. It’s good to be alive!”

I say, raise your kids with the values you want. However, I watched Disney movies growing up and I don’t suffer from any delusions.

I totally understand why you feel this way, and more power to you! But it seems like despite your own love of Little Mermaid, you turned out to be a self aware, intelligent person - me, I loved Disney growing up, loved all the princess stuff, but I was a feminist from a very young age, because that’s what was modeled

you say that now, but it’s a lot harder to avoid the mouse than you realize.

Might as well! Some kids I look after occasionally have just started bringing home the bad words from school and it's so hard to correct them with a straight face when I want to crack up at how terrible they are at utilizing the words.

I can almost guarantee you that exposure to Disney films is not going to be the difference between a diploma and the morgue (or whatever).