
his current 100% rating from Planned Parenthood and NARAL as well as his 0% from the national right committee say differently. Again thanks tho, cause if you want to keep going its only going to drive my comments up higher due to kinjas system so more people are going to wind up aware of the truth.

Okay. It’s going to be okay. I have something to let you know. People don’t always get what they want. Even if they want it really, really bad. Also, not everyone can be the best. I know it’s crushing, but we all have to learn this sometime. Also, just because you really, really, really want something to be so, in a

Nah see cause what is great about Papa Kaine is that while he is personally against abortion he also recognizes that it is my body and my right and his current voting record supports that. He knows there is a difference between personal opinion and public policy. Thanks for the concern tho

Young Tim Kaine?
You know you would.

Lawrence O’Donnell’s contribution to the discussion after Bloomberg spoke was, “Estimates have Bloomberg’s fortune at 100x Trumps, conservative estimates have it at 10x. This was a calculated blow and it will hurt Trump’s ego.” To which Williams replied, “The Manhattan dinner scene is approximately this *holds up two

If she were male I’d use the word dick.

Isn’t that pretty much the juvenile’s excuse when they don’t get their way?

I’ve never been pregnant and...yeah. Totally crying face.

I eagerly await the day Biden shows Kaine around the naval academy, capped off by shotgunning beers in the driveway.

I still don’t think GWB was really evil. Just incredibly, unbearably clueless and a perfect puppet for Darth Cheney.

I’m really sick of her. She was also a big Nader supporter, which says a lot about her actions now.

Do people not understand that getting more votes means that person won? Was there some kind of mass suppression of Bernie voters I am not aware of. I don’t recall, when I voted, being asked if I was going to vote for Hillary or Bernie and then turned away if I said Bernie.

  • Republicans are mad that Bradley Cooper (American Sniper himself) his at the DNC. [Daily Beast]

just cried a little-again-at that photo of Hillary and Pres Obama hugging. I have got to stop getting pregnant in election years.

I really didn’t think I’d feel energized heading into November. The RNC was yes, a dumpster fire (a yuuge one at that), but I was a little concerned that the Dems would have trouble coming out from all the negativity. I love being wrong, sometimes.

From Page Six: Sarandon said convention organizers are making it difficult to carry out “the will of Bernie Sanders’ people.”


Love love love Kathryn Dennis, at least she embraces her crazy, instead of trying to act “classy” to get into Patricia’s good graces instead of acknowledging she has little to offer, a la Landon who I DESPISE. I also think Shep is precious and Thomas is revolting.

“Was it hard to “do it”?” I whispered gently salivating into my children’s portioned French toast.