I like this tweet too!
I like this tweet too!
There’s already a wall down there. Seems like Trump supporters have zero clue about the existing wall and the problem it has caused to communities? I spoke with an elderly woman who was all about Trump building that wall. When I told her we already have a wall, her response was, ‘Trump’s going to build it bigger and…
Pat Toomey is a fucking slime ball. He spent his entire campaign trying to distance himself from Trump as a “good” Republican and waffled about who he was going to vote for. He finally cast his vote for Trump an hour before the PA polls closed. Fuck him. I’ll be calling and sending more emails.
Yeah, fuck this shit. As a young girl growing up in India, even with a progressive family, I received NO info about periods. I got my cues from equally misinformed peers and you can imagine what theories a bunch of scared 12 year olds came up with. When I got my period, despite their best intentions, my parents told…
it turned out to be a payphone at a bar in Maine, and the guy was apparently a regular who’d get hammered every night and then call Senator Clinton’s office to rant violently at her.
I’d love to describe to him, in detail, the consistency, color, odor of my clots. Absolutely.
Fuck yes
So we’re all gonna call Toomey’s office to teach them what graphic descriptions of the menstrual cycle are like, right?
Having been an unpaid intern answering the phones at a Senator’s office before....
According to our president-elect, you’re supposed to call it “blood coming out of my whatever.”
I was just having a conversation with a “friend” a couple days ago in which I expressed my disdain for an adult male human who finds menstruation “icky”.
LEAVE HILLARY ALONE! We had our chance and we blew it. This is literally what my sister’s fucking asshole of an ex-fiance keeps doing. Seriously, just let her live her life. We don’t deserve her, and we’d never treat her right.
Wow. A lot of people did not read the article.
Every time I see a “What Hillary should do” piece, a voice in my heads pipes up with “Hillary is free now” in Dobby’s voice. Seriously. Hillary is free now, and she ain’t coming back to be your mayor.
I would vote for her.
Thing is, she has gone away. Gracefully. These are other people injecting her into something she hasn’t any desire to be a part of. So maybe direct your ire elsewhere?
The idea that she would consider being mayor of New York is laughable—there is no way she would debase herself like that. Bruni’s piece was not smart enough to be interesting and not funny enough to be satire.
This is a rhetorical question, right? Because obviously I want all the strippers. ALL of them!