
So do you think they’ve found one of those pocket-sized bibles that will accommodate Trump’s tiny hands for the swearing in? Or will they keep it full-sized?

I hope the idiots who voted for this guy like it rough because they are about to get fucked.

And when he lifts his hand, puts his hand on that Bible and takes that oath and we see the image

They did a lot more than authorize a wall. It already exists. And it already cost billions and billions of dollars. That’s how we know it’s very expensive. Because the remaining parts of the border that don’t have a wall are mostly impregnable cliffs in Marfa, where the cost of construction would get even more

And they want us to pay for this crap instead of paying for our own healthcare which actually has a ROI.

I almost threw my laptop across the office and clenched. NO THANK YOU.


That’s enough internet for today.

clearly a number of heterosexual people also do not understand this subject

Well when and a man, and a woman love each other very much (or are drunk/horny/bored/(insert modifier)) they hug in a special way.

Could be worse:

with a penis (necessary for this experiment

The racists don’t give a shit about this poor kid. All they care about is being able to point and say, “Look! Some black people did something horrible so clearly all black people are racist scumbags, and I’m the victim here!”

They charged them within 12 hours of arrest, yet there was a 30, 000 post thread on reddit claiming that these criminals were being protected (???) Because of police anti white bias.

This stops now. Time to mobilize. If you haven’t already seen it check this out. It is a guide on how to effectively lobby congress. Your reproductive health demands it.

God, his face needs more shovel.

Just buy it! It’s worth the price of admission. I’m in the minority on this, but the last bit of the game’s story does not undo the fact that it has the best gameplay and missions of the entire Trilogy, with some of the best moments from the amazing cast.