
Is this you in the gif? You look like shit.

Aaaaaand these jokes have run their course.

“You should be washing your face with different types of products based on the seasons.”

Damn, that’s one hell of an experience/memory to have! I couldn’t even imagine how awesome it’d be to see (or especially be a part of) a 928 and a Countach playing together on some twisty bits. I mean, that’d be incredible to see today, but back then when they were both new? Holy hell man... Just awesome.

Morley, you fly to Italy and do a story on Lamborghini.

Ah so many memories of the late 80s

Not just Morley, may he RIP, but David E Davis! I used to enjoy reading Automobile as a kid and DED was entertaining, to say the least. One of the great characters in automotive journalism. He wrote perhaps the best review of the BMW 2002 ever published, which helps my enthusiasm for his writing.

No problem, I like them. Great vacation spot.

Gotta be Italian or Albanian. Greasy fucks.

That’s President and part owner Thomas to you.

But you are cool with people who self identify as something they aren’t when using a bathroom?

Gore wouldn’t have needed Florida if he’d won his homestate of Tennessee. Or even Clinton’s homestate of Arkansas.

But he didn’t. And again, all of that is on Al Gore, not Ralph Nader.

Gore would have won if he had carried his home state.

If our system elected the President based solely on the popular vote, that would actually matter. But it doesn’t. He didn’t earn enough votes where he needed them (Florida and/or his home state of Tennessee).


And besides, that implicitly blames Nader for Gore losing, which is false. Gore lost because he didn’t earn enough votes, not because Nader stole them.

comparing one of the two candidates in an undecided democratic primary to third-party general election candidate Ralph Nader is pretty ridiculous

Hillary Clinton murdered Vince Foster.

He did this against the Rangers? Hasn’t he seen what they do to people who wrong them?