
You realize, of course, the United States is close to 80% white seems as how Latino/ Hispanic isn’t actually a race?

The fact that make it into “bullying” shows you are as soft as butter and well, can’t take a joke.

Just face that the trans community is overly sensitive.

60-80% of “transwomen” are white men, and it’s weird to see the Root caping for entitled white men trying to colonize womanhood, and using the very few Black trans ppl as a shield to do so. Trans (a mental issue that insists on medical intervention) has nothing to do with LGB (all sexualities, no need for doctors).

Faux females and manufactured males will never be accepted. They’ve got more artificial hormones in them than a McDonald’s Big Mac.

I don’t think he has to do anything, 99% of people that watched the special laughed at it and were not upset in the slightest. In fact, if it wasn’t for these protests and articles bringing attention to it, most people would not even remember that he was joking about trans people since there was a lot more material

I get what you’re saying but since this special I’m sure there are a lot more new Netflix subscribers and a lot more people who viewed the special than there people who cancelled their subscription due to it.

You can’t pick and choose who you’re going to make fun of.

Brazil was fine.

Did anyone mention that the next World Cup host is Russia?

Jeez, you don’t have to blow up at the guy

I think you're on the wrong website


Let’s all respect the only person ever to witness tragedy.

The moment he enrolls at Miami is good enough for me

An “amazing” backflip. You sir need a new hobby.

I think this play is pretty much the point.

I’m all for celebrating and making baseball fun again, this kid just kinda brought it on himself doubling and tripling down on the showboating. At what point is it OK to say this kid’s a jackass who deserves a smack in the mouth?

Fucking Miami. A potential terrorist just saw this and will now plan a baseball stadium shooting.

Hit him in the balls. That’ll show him.

Dude pimped the shit outta that dong.