
I sure enjoyed watching this guy pitch back in the day. I hope he makes it back.

You are AGAINST the best thing in sports? What is WRONG with you?

I say a slap on the ass, preferably conducted by myself ;)

Sorry, I should have been clearer.

If Sharapova was on 18 medications and supplements, someone please tell me what the fuck this guy has been on:

She’ll surely appeal to CAS.

No, that’s the minor’s small dick talking.

what about minor boys?

he’s kinda cute. i don’t see the problem.

When Djokovic came into his game, we were in the midst of the Federer/Nadal rivalry. Most every tennis fan was either Team Fed or Team Rafa. Djokovic has basically kicked both from their pedestals (although arguably Rafa did that to some extent to Federer) and consistently stands as roadblocks for both of them. Thus,

Years ago I watched him play Andy Roddick in Qatar. While Roddick seemed cold towards the crowd, and bored, djoko seemed like he was just happy to be there and was waving to fans who called out to him. Seemed like a genuine guy. I've liked him ever since.

Now playing

My mom and I have been huge Novak fans ever since he did his player impersonations at the US Open in 2007. Back then, he was the awkward No. 3 behind Fed and Nadal. These past few years have been sweet.

Ana is beloved because of reasons for which any heterosexual man would over look whatever her nationality was, so she is not a true comparitor. The reluctance of people to give up Fedal worship is a real (I get it since I still miss Andre and Mac), but I wouldn’t discount the Serbian Pariah Factor. Djoker will be the

I dunno, that crowd was insanely pro-Djoko... they seemed to adore him (or maybe they just loathed the Brit?). I think fans are coming to giving him the respect he deserves.

Novak is getting there, yes he can be rough around the edges not as polished as FEDAL but he’s learning. The most impressive thing is...he has earned everything he got.... had to go through two best players off his Era and has a winning record against them. Yes he has lost a lot to FEDAL when he was younger (did not

Yeah. That was what initially put Novak on my radar and made me a fan. He wasn’t anywhere near the dominant force he’s become, but he was a guy willing to go out there and have fun and who didn’t seem to take himself so seriously. I really don’t understand the media narrative that’s built up around him that says

Not going his way. The last time that happened was probably before 2011.

Not sure if I ever remember a louder pro-djokovic than yesterday.

And more will come. A year ago he had 8 grand slams. Today he has 12. Next year, maybe 15-16. Just a couple of more after that and that douche will be forgotten.

I don’t know. The crowd at yesterday’s final were going nuts for him. Seems like he has plenty of fans.