
I think the implication is I am, considering I said “we’re all supposed to like Samantha Bee,” and proceeded to proclaim my feelings to the contrary.

Couple observations:

Her terrible delivery bothers me more than the mediocre jokes.

I know we’re all supposed to like Samantha Bee, but, holy crap, she is not funny.

What’s their track record with safety?

Thanks for flying Spirit. That will be $6.

Naw, just all capable of being dumb fucks. For the most part, I think people make the right choice when temptation hits.

This needs to be un-greyed as its almost more important than the information actually in the article.

“Not on my watch”

What don’t you get? Pussy is pussy, man.

I live in Virginia and ride a motorcycle...given the severe consequences of speeding in this state, Its either the cop, or some 400lb dude named Tiny in the

He’s a black guy who was in denial about that, married to a blonde woman who he cheated on with other white women after playing golf for years.

Aren’t you going to go serve Big Macs, as is your job?

I’m not really getting the parade of schadenfreude on Tiger Woods. He revitalized an entire sport after it had languished for years. Golf owes a lot to him, regardless of the negatives surrounding the dude.

Yeah it’ll be soooo much better with Hitlery in office. It’ll be even easier for her to have people murdered and cover Bill’s rapes.

Sorry- see much more of Obama’s America here than Trumpland. Nice try, dope.

You’re a little late to the party.

You didn’t watch the whole video.

You didn’t watch the whole video.

Approximately 50% if the participants in this video are Obama supporters. Fail.