
Cheap Steel bumper beats molded plastic bumper cover every.dam.time. Also a good reason to equip your truck with a trailer hitch. Why have your truck damaged if someone rear ends you.

I guess you didn’t watch all the way through to see when he switches over to landscape!

I don’t think they care much for the baseball gods.

This is what daytime baseball is all about, getting drunk in the sunshine and removing your shirt when the moment calls for it.

Turns out Aaron Rodgers isn’t the only one who lets bear hunting interfere with football

Deadspin’s Cuboner is fully engorged.

So he was expecting Lackey to yell at someone over unwritten rules and expecting Deadspin to post about it... for months? Got it.

You know how many days John Freaking Lackey has been signed with the Cubs, and yet it’s definitely this other guy over here that’s obessessing about it. Ok.

It took me less time to write it than it did for you to figure out how many days it’s been since he signed with the Cubs, but thanks for playing.

What’s funny is, had he done this in a Cardinals uniform last year, the tone of this post would be remarkably different.

Earl Weaver is rolling in his grave.

Same here - must be that music or something

This is the greatest thing I’ve seen in a long time.

There goes Bartolo Colon, the best there ever was at this game.

I cried. shoot me. The big man made me cry like a baby. The blubber has me blubbering.

THIS is why the internet was invented.

Why are my eyes moist after watching this. Must be dusty in here.

Dude. You might as well go over to Jezebel and fat shame.


I don’t think that the Maxima was sold in my market, so maybe I’m missing out on something here. Why would this be worth more than a grand? Is it a model that induces high amounts of nostalgia or something like that?