
Tupac who?

He sure was, considering he fooled so many into thinking he was some sort of hard gangsta from the ghetto...

It definitely takes a great deal of acting talent for a soft art school kid to portray a gangbanger for years. That’s dedication to his craft!

Where if i remember correctly he attended an art school for gifted kids with jada pinket. Gangsta west coast!

it’s cool and all but still CP because in 20 years nobody will know who tupac is and it will just be a regular hummer h1

He took ballet class at Baltimore School for the Arts. Hardcore yo.

If you remove social constructs than yes. A woman’s biological purpose is reproduction. Don’t hate the scientist. Hate the science.

On the SJW list, rape has become worse than murder and torture. They are mentally ill.

It’s like the word commonly used for an african american person in popular music today. In some songs, it’s like every other word! Surely the word isn’t racist when you hear it 50 times in one 4-minute song, amirite?

and yet despite being a shithead and a clown he has 2,000 career hits and a World Series ring

If it can still exist in our nations capitol, then it’s not really a slur.

not racist?

No, insulting people by attacking their sexuality works pretty well.

Not shown in the video, the two Penguins fans sucking each other’s dicks off in the street.

“I was just surprised at the length and duration of their vulgar behavior. No one around them appeared to take them to task or call them out. It went out for minutes before I rolled.”

If you act like a Faggot, you deserve to be called a Faggot. Pen fans, by nature, act like Faggots. Just because a guy likes to suck another guy’s cock doesn’t make him a Faggot.

damn shame they are just going to fill those with bombs and drive them into a coffee shop

it’s a great day to buy it... that way you can tell your friends you were a huge Prince fan all these years. Social media likes are what’s important!

you guys aren’t exploiting this at all... Nope. Not one bit.

Your old ass sounds surprisingly like a millennial with your all about you complaint