Shemp Marx

Why does this comment have only single-digit upvotes? Get to work people!

Damn, you're more bitter than usual today.

Not mentioned in the article, sadly: That Purple Rain is that rare beast, the perfect album

If his "good conscience" was that strong, he wouldn't have hid behind Howard's skirt to achieve his aims.

There have only been two times I have been watching TV when something amazing happened. The first was the Super Bowl show with Janet Jackson and Justin Timberlake which I'll always remember because I rarely, if ever watch the SB.

Two problems. Number one, I live in a country that means I can't get HBO Now. Number two, I'm not sure the weak-ass DSL I get counts as 'internet', unless it's still 2001 or so.

Well, I'm going to have to pirate it, because cable doesn't want to run up to my house and the local satellite operation is, at best, semi-legal, which is fine since it only worked part of the time we had it anyway. So I have a TV, but no feed.

Hahahaha, it's a trap! Whedon's gonna kill your favourite character anyway!

"I like to keep this for close encounters."

If you have a flatscreen, there should be a dedicated button on your remote that cycles through the screen display ratios. Try messing around with that when watching older shows.

If she was a grimy hacker, she'd be M4R10N FOSS.


One of the hardest lessons I've ever had to learn in my life is being to able to say "I don't know" without beating myself up about it.

Reluctantly agreed, but maybe that's the problem. Maybe we know that shoving it down somebody's throat is both rude and couter-productive, no matter the lesson or the intent.

You do a commercial, you're off the artistic roll call forever. And that goes for everyone…except Willie Nelson. 24 million dollar tax bill, Willie was
a little looser than the rest of us. I just avert my eyes when he sings
about tacos, ya know what I mean? It's just so fuckin'…(imitates Willie)


I'm pretty sure it's an extra on the Grown Ups DVD.

That's the joke, actually. Book Cersei's got real troubles, but spends most of her time worrying about made up ones or completely misreading actual threats.


it's high time to stop watching it.