The problem (among many) with that is, if employers use that credit score to weed out undesirable employees based on their being "a mess," then the above poster, who has been extremely responsible with money, gets weeded out along with the rest.
The problem (among many) with that is, if employers use that credit score to weed out undesirable employees based on their being "a mess," then the above poster, who has been extremely responsible with money, gets weeded out along with the rest.
I'm still not convinced that was suicide. After this week's ep, I'm more convinced than ever that Susan Ross orchestrated the whole thing. After all, every other character on this show is either a murderer or accessory to murder - why not her?
She was also featured rather prominently in "Carol" and "12 Years A Slave," as well as having a long history on TV and stage.
I was gonna say that. Thanks for adding it!
To be fair, I think that's kind of the way most defense attorneys think. If you believe in the principle that everyone deserves a vigorous defense, and it is not the lawyer's job to be a jury, then Cochran behaved morally, and in a way that protects our whole system of justice. If you think about it, if lawyers…
Here's a white person who agrees with you 100%. Like you, I believe that OJ was guilty. But I also think the principle that the LAPD should not be rewarded with a conviction after lying on the stand and employing racist corrupt cops is more important than the punishment of any one man. If it resulted in a change in…
FWIW, Paulson has been a star for some time now.
Glad I'm not the only one who thought that. I was thinking, "Ew! Who does that?"
IIRC, he still has his NFL pension, which the Goldmans are not allowed to touch.
I think they all just wanted to go home already. It could have taken weeks to deadlock the jury. And they had already been there 8 months. Ito probably would have made them go back many times before declaring a mistrial, in such an expensive and long case. I may not like it (I don't), but I totally understand it.
Yes and yes!!!
Totally agree. It's sad that OJ got away with it, but the principle that cops shouldn't be racist and shouldn't get away with lying on the stand is, IMHO, more important than the conviction of any one man. That principle protects us all.
That made me rewind, too. But I didn't see anyone that looked like Springsteen.
Ding ding ding! Really, until they said it was May, I thought it was Yoko. And then, of course, I noticed the head scarf, which was a May trademark.
You're right, but as someone who lived through that time, me and my friends get a kick out of hearing the references to rock history. Also, I'm old, and my eyes are going, so I appreciate the heads-up.
Jane. That was Jane. RIP.
Don't know where or when you went to law school, but I just checked with my husband, who both went to law school and continues to practice law, and there is no such law in West Virginia or anywhere else in the US. And marital rape, likewise, has been illegal in all 50 states since 1993.
Of course they are. Can't wait for Ezekiel. Wish they could nab Samuel L. Jackson to play him!
Those guys in hockey pads are the only ones in 6 seasons who are appropriately dressed for the Zombie Apocalypse. (Bite-proof armor? Geez, why didn't I think of that? says everyone else on this show.)
For the record I wouldn't be caught dead in WV…