
States do have varying laws, but those laws are subject to interpretation by the Supreme Court. States have all kinds of weird laws on their books that are unenforceable. In other words, I wouldn't attempt to beat your wife, even in West Vieginia, no matter what the size of your stick is.

FWIW, I was upset over Denise's death, too, but not because she's gay - because I loved the character and I love Merritt Wever. I'm guilty of caring too much about some shows, I guess.

No, he wouldn't. Not even if they were married. The one state that tried to pass a spousal notification law for abortion had it struck down by the Supreme Court. Until and unless that baby leaves her body, the father has precisely zero rights over it. She can do anything up to and including aborting that child,

Oh, I know. I read the books, too. And I agree that they probably weren't killing a lesbian just to kill a lesbian. But I can see how people might think so, since this was Tara's second girlfriend that they killed.

I personally would love to see Huck remove Kepner's molars with a wrench.

Guess I can sue my father-in-law, then. He once treated a very deep cut that my daughter sustained at his house. And I'm sure he and my mother-in-law must have talked about my daughter's case of the flu that she had last winter. Goody! Can't wait! They've got big bucks!

You have to be someone's health care provider or employed by them to be bound by HIPAA. If a newspaper has your medical records, they were likely illegally obtained via your health care provider. So someone's getting in trouble for that. Unless they found it by going through your garbage, which has been found to be

Tara is the character who is the lover of Denise. Denise was just killed on The Walking Dead (not a CW show). FWIW, they haven't shown Tara's reaction because the actress who plays her is out on maternity leave. I saw an interview with the actress, and she said that during the last ep she shot for this season, in

Shonda is just going off the rails. She's just making shit up now. Like the idea that doctors have some legal responsibility to keep their friends' secrets, which they don't, unless those friends also happen to be patients. I have friends and family members who are doctors, and none of them ever had to give me a

Fuck, yeah! And not for nothing, but I don't think "fraudulent divorce" is actually a thing. In most states, you can divorce your spouse for any reason or no reason at all, with the only thing generally in dispute being property/financial issues and child custody/visitation. Which is also how it should be.

Thanks. I must have blocked that awful phrase out. Imagination goes wild. Pictures Penny's hands forming a funnel, with Amelia looking through into the patient.

Excellent point. But I guess common sense doesn't matter in Shondaland, where you can also go after someone "legally, for fraud" for not disclosing that they are pregnant before they divorce their husband. Mm-kay.

Don't understand why they needed Ronnie to corroborate the paternity issue, since they already had the paternity test.

She did not break any laws. Arizona learned of April's pregnancy in her capacity as friend, not as doctor. In fact, since they very specifically showed April repeatedly rejecting Arizona's requests to examine her, Arizona is not even her doctor, and has no legal duty of confidentiality. That doesn't mean what she

Fraud, for what, FFS? A pregnant woman owes nothing to the expectant father until/unless the baby is born. Until that happens, it's her baby, her body, and she can handle it as she wishes. And you're allowed to divorce your husband, even if you're pregnant. What a stupid story.

And really, as April pointed out last week, until the baby is actually born, Jackson has no rights. At all.

Oh, but she has magic hands or something, per Amelia.

Just what I was thinking. Ridiculous storyline.

I believe that, if you answer some questions, you risk waiving privilege on others. I think it's an all-or-nothing proposition. If you don't want to answer some, I think you have to refuse to answer all.

Yes, I think you're right. And also, one of the AMC sneak peeks show Morgan finding a horse, which I think also screams kingdom. I want my Ezekiel!