
You took the words right out of my mouth. I call bullshit on that commenter.

Ok, I’ll send a memo to every hotel in the damn country. I’m sure they’ll get right on that.

Wow. Just wow. You’re aware that servers in restaurants can earn as little as $2 an hour, aren’t you? And on top of that, they’re taxed on 10% of their sales. Which means that if you don’t tip them, the IRS still taxes them as though you did. So if you’re tired of paying for service that you’re receiving, may I

“Née” refers to someone’s birth name, or what used to be known as a “maiden name.” So unless Donna was born married to Gordon, she was not “nee” Donna Clark. She was “formerly” Donna Clark.

The critics hated My Fair Lady and Hello Dolly, too, in their original runs. "Second-rate Shaw paired with third-rate music" was the Times' verdict, IIRC.). Didn't seem to hurt them none. When defining a movie or play as successful or unsuccessful, the standard generally used is whether or not people are seeing it,

Strange failure… I saw it last night for the second time. The house was packed both times. I don't think your definition of failure is the same as mine. You probably think the DT presidency is a success. #alternatedefinitions

I was there, and it was fucking awesome!

I really enjoy CK's work. Truly, I do. But in every piece I read about him, my Lord, he sounds like an insufferable asshole.

I just got choked up right now, thinking of that line.

That song is perfection, from beginning to end.

I love Clemons and I love the way you describe what he does at the end of Thunder Road. But it's not really a solo, as there are several other instruments playing as well.

I was a server for 3 years, and am generally on the side of waitpersons everywhere. Which is why I know that if a customer orders lobster and the kitchen plates catfish, it is the server's job to tell the kitchen that they received the wrong order, and not bring it out to the customer. If they fail in this most

It's been a while since I saw that movie, but IIRC, didn't he choose to commit suicide at the end?

Enchanted, I think?

So well said. I agree with every point you made. And I love Ben Platt, but reading your post made me look up his background. Harvard-Westlake? (THE elite LA private school.). Father a major producer? Not exactly a rags to riches story. Not that you need to come from rags to have truly earned your success.

How about the lobbing of thousands of bombs daily over a fence? Where is that in your moral relativity stakes? How about the stabbing of civilians in public places? That ok with you? And the celebration of a mother and father being murdered in front of their children? All good?

And Tunisia and Algeria is banning it why, exactly?

And what do you call the anti-Jewish bias displayed by not only the PA, but virtually every Arab country? What is it called when country after country bans a movie because of the nationality of its star? Can you imagine Israel banning a movie starring an Arab actress? No, you can't, because it hasn't happened.

Yes, Israel is much worse than, say, Saudi Arabia, where women aren't allowed to drive, adulteresses are stoned, no homosexuals defenestrated and set on fire. There was no bias in the EU's statement at all.

I was gonna say, not unless you hung around Berlin in 1961 or so.