
My point was that in putting a proven liar on the stand, the prosecution erred. After that, any evidence he was involved with was suspect. I would have acquitted, and I never gave a damn about OJ Simpson or football. And I certainly don't have racial bias in the same way that you're implying the jury did.

Yeah, what's up with that? I can at least understand Coon being ignored because the Emmys seem to hate "genre" shows. But Russell knocks it out of the park every year, in a fairly straightforward thriller. As do Rhys and Emmetich, BTW. So why no Emmy love for them? SMH.

I'm not sure of this, but wasn't OJ's house a crime scene also, because evidence of the crime was found there?

FWIW, I think Travolta was given his producer title after, not before, his casting. Probably a bone given him to induce him to sign on.

I can believe that hairstylist was responsible for this:

I see it differently. I see it as a triumph of our justice system. The idea that cops shouldn't lie on the stand and that the prosecution has to prove its case with evidence beyond a reasonable doubt is far more important than whether or not one man was punished for his crime. This principle, while hard to take,

For me, the fact that he was a racist is only strike one. What really killed his testimony, IMHO, was when the defense proved that he lied on the stand. Don't know whether they'll show it, but after Fuhrman swore that he never used the N word, the defense produced a witness with proof that he had. IIRC, she had

Still nowhere near the "operating with dirty hands" example. And besides, Chuck didn't know about that, so that wasn't why he was acting so superior. He was just being a dick.

But the reason Kim was caught up was because her bosses are dicks.

Yeah, he is ethically gray

Then it seems to me that the only proper thing for Jimmy to do is to have Chuck committed to a psychiatric hospital. Actually, that wouldn't be a bad ending for Chuck at the end of the series - wearing a straitjacket in a rubber room, screaming about all the electrical devices in close proximity to him, with a final

I don't necessarily agree that Chuck was in the right. Jimmy's approach actually helped people. HHM and Davis & Main were more concerned with their image than they were with reaching the people who Sandpiper is actively preventing from hearing the message that they are being ripped off. I don't see anything moral

Except that Jimmy isn't potentially killing anyone with his ethical lapses. And I would argue that running a commercial to reach seniors who are being prevented from knowing their rights by the very people who are ripping them off is a far cry from operating without washing your hands. Chuck is a judgmental,

I wish I could stop by his house and turn on the electricity myself.

And does. "The People vs. OJ Simpson" has dropped a couple of f-bombs, uncensored. Was shocked - shocked! - when I heard Marcia Clarke say "Motherfucker."

Because it had to be locked from the inside, in order to prevent all the water from pushing it open and flooding the entire station. Or something.

Bob basically got Dale's death from the book.

There's plenty of blame to go around in that movie, not least of all to its star. It's worth noting that in I and II, Pacino only raises his voice twice - after the attack on his home ("Where my children go to play with their toys") and with Kay, during the divorce/abortion scene. In IIII, he never stops screaming,

They killed Charlie! Those bastards!

You missed the zombie shooting gallery at the barn, with its shocker of a twist at the end. Bad call.