
Not saying this will necessarily happen on the show, but in the comics, Glenn's death toughened Maggie to the point where she is basically the female Rick, only more so. She is one of the community leaders now, and even more ruthless and merciless than Rick is.

From your computer to G-d's ears! I'm not ready to lose Glenn yet, either. (Although I also really don't want to see his skull bashed in in front of Maggie, either.). I've been hoping against hope that they wouldn't follow the comics and instead let him live, like they have Carol and Judith. He is such a better

Are you saying you think Glenn is alive?


It's canon from the comics.

Just had a thought. Do ya think the barbed wire on the fence was a nod to Glenn's comic book death by barbed-wire-covered bat? And a foreshadowing? Because I thought they were foreshadowing his death all over the place. As soon as he said, "Good luck, dumbass," to Rick (just as he did the first time they met), I

Love Laverne. And I love Rocky Horror. But I hate the idea of them changing the show around to fit her. And I can't imagine, unless she is going to play it as a man, which would be kind of difficult considering the fact that she's stacked, how she's going to sing "Sweet Transvestite" without it being ridiculously

It makes a difference because by casting a trans woman in this role, it has gone from being a transgressive story about a cross-dressing male creating the perfect man for him to have sex with to being yet another story about a cougar drooling over a young man. Ew. And not for nothing, but transvetite does not mean

No. We can't.

I've been reading up on Jim Donovan since seeing this terrific film, and FWIW, it sounds like he actually was a figure of fundamental gosh-darn decency IRL.

If karma was real, Bush, Cheney and Rove would all be in jail.

I think there's a good argument to be made that Bush was actually a worse president than Nixon. And that's really saying something.

As it shows in the movie, and as I said above, IBM typewriters in the '70s indeed had those capabilities. I used them. They were high-end features, but if they had them in the college housing office where I worked, I'm sure the military had some, too. And the Times Roman PS font has been around since the '30s.

Sorry to burst your bubble, but I worked on typewriters during the '70s that had those capabilities. The IBM Selectric had a Times Roman PS ball that everyone in my office coveted. It was a real thrill when we were allowed to use it, because the office only had one. There was also the IBM Memory typewriter, who

Saw this movie Sunday, and sobbed throughout the second half. Thought I might be having a psychotic break, until I realized that all my friends were sobbing, too. This was a terrific, but devastating, movie. Glad I saw it, but I could not sit through it twice.

Just watched a clip of the last scene of this again, and here I am, once more, bawling my eyes out. This movie gets me every time.

SPOILER ALERT: Cassard does come off creepy at first, proposing marriage to a girl he barely knows simply, it seems, because she is exquisitely beautiful. But in the scene where she asks him to come back in six months and ask her again if he still wants to marry her, I think he comes off as her savior, a hero, a

SPOILER ALERT: I agree with you. I've seen it three times, and I always saw it as Genevieve having an ultimately sadder ending than Guy does. Is she happy? You can't really tell. But I always interpreted her as resigned and kind of sad at the end. I could be wrong. They never show her as much as they show Guy.

Still, my husband and I bawled our eyes out at that ending. And he is NOT a crier. It's just so true and so… French. And "I Will Wait For You" swells one last time as the car pulls away… I am just lost in a puddle of tears.

Yeah, the minute I heard him say to Keira Knightley that he wanted to name the baby Sarah, I made the knife gesture across my throat.