
This puts me in mind of the day I saw Romeo + Juliet, with Claire Danes and Leonardo DiCaprio. There were a couple of teenage girls behind me, and during the last scene, one of them cried out in despair, "He DIES?!" I laughed my ass off. Clearly, they're teaching the wrong things in high school these days.

It was one of the greatest recent disasters ever on Everest, for crying out loud! There were THREE books written about it, and another movie. Not to mention myriad articles and stuff all over the Internet about it! No spoiler alerts for you! Read a damn newspaper!

Not to mention that it was an actual event that was covered in many news media. Sorry, if you can't be bothered to keep up with history, you don't deserve spoiler alerts. But here's one for you, anyway, Guy: SPOILER ALERT: The South loses.

They do. And they, and the wives and kids left behind, were the only ones I felt sorry for. They risked their lives to save a bunch of egomaniacs who risked their lives for no rational reason.

I think the word you're looking for is "easier." I don't think any part of this is easy, no matter how many camps and rope lines are set up. The words that came to mind while watching this were "incredibly stupid" and "greed." The people I really felt for were the helicopter pilots who had to risk their lives to

Just saw this movie yesterday, and wish I could unsee it. It was a snuff film. Very disturbing, and not in a good, makes you think about it way. In a bad, why? kind of way.

I want Gini and the box on a loop, running over and over again.

I want Virginia hitting Nora with that box on a loop. Someone make it so, please.

So I guess you're convinced that Nora was really working with the Lobby Guy now.

What is the actual data? Were most people falsely foreclosed on? Because I haven't heard that. Source, please.

Thank you for this. That was exactly what I was thinking when I saw the movie. Yes, the banks are horrible. But someone who doesn't pay his mortgage for a long time and ignores notices relating to it until the sheriff is actually at the door is no saint, either. There were no heroes in this movie.

That's horrifying. The name of the game in this country is greed. It's a sickness.

Sorry, I'm going to have to somewhat disagree with you. Banks are disgusting and predatory, as you note. They cheat people and make loans they shouldn't have. But I also know tons of people who simply bought way more house than they could afford.

Yes, they did say something about a wife, but they weren't clear about it. So maybe that explains it. The old man looked to be in his 80s, so I guess that is how it happened. But then his wife would have been older than him. OK. That happens. But can a wife take out a reverse mortgage on a house they both own

No, they're right. I saw the movie a couple of weeks ago, and I found it very disturbing, on many levels. Although I thought both Garfield and Shannon gave memorable performances, there were so many plot holes you could drive a truck through them. And I personally hate it when a filmmaker stacks the deck so heavily

Come on. Who among us did not wear "shoes made of wicker" during the 80s?

Sorry, but I have to disagree. Lobby Guy complains that she's been hard to get in touch with lately. He also asks if she's ready to come back. And a bunch of other stuff he says clearly shows they have an ongoing relationship. I watched it 3 times, because I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Now, it's possible

Certainly, the situation she is in with her husband would make it difficult or impossible to maintain sobriety. She has no real support from anyone, which I have heard is necessary to beat such a thing. It is certainly understandable for her to take a "What does it matter? Booze is my only friend" kind of attitude.

No, you're right. Dan is clearly scum of the earth. Although I can certainly understand someone being frustrated by a constantly drunk spouse, it doesn't excuse his behavior in any way, shape or form. He essentially abandoned a sick wife because it was easier than actually dealing with her. Also, they clearly did

It scarcely matters. It seems clear to me that they introduced Dan Logan to sorta kinda follow what really happened. As IRL, Dan proposed to Gini at the end of the show. So next week, Bill will propose to Virginia to prevent her from marrying Dan, as sorta kinda happened IRL, allowing Libby to happily and