
Oh, and I just realized they dumped the whole Nora thing after dropping that bombshell last week. Would a born-again Christian really go so far as to have sex with strangers to show that Bill and Virginia were… doing sex research? What? Are she and the Jesus Posse going to show up next week so they can… what?

How about the one where they reminisce about past TGs (fat Monica is always a plus) and it is revealed that Monica caused Chandler to lose part of his toe? Or the Brad Pitt one ("My two biggest enemies - complex carbohydrates and Rachel Green!"). Their TG episodes were the best.

Again, no one causes someone else's alcoholism. They might cause a bender or two, but full-blown alcoholism is not brought on by an outside person's actions.

Thank you. I was going to say something to that effect. It seems to me that you might get drunk sometimes out of despair from such a marriage, but if you actually go all the way into a permanent and repeated state of alcoholism, that's on you.

Well, IRL, Bill Masters finally left Libby and married Virginia because a scent specialist (obviously the inspiration for Dan Logan) wooed and proposed to Virginia. It appears that that is where the show has been heading all season, and I fully expect next week's finale to include a proposal from Bill. And probably

Achin' To Be, from Don't Tell A Soul. One of my favorite songs ever.

Just watched that again, too. "Laaaady!"

I just went back and watched that on the SNL site because of this damn thread. And you're right - Duchovny as Jeff Goldblum was genius. That was also the one with "The Rapists" as a category.

He's got the cards right in front of him!!!

Just read on Wikipedia that when Merv Griffin brought back Jeopardy in 1984, he asked Fleming to return, but he declined. See what you guys have me doing? I'm looking up Wikipedia entries on long-dead game show hosts at 12:35 am! Someone sedate me!

So, all the big ones? Well, at least Pitfall would explain his perpetually surly personality.

Please stop. You all are making me laugh so hard, and I should be sleeping now. And now I'm laughing and all up in Stephen Colbert and Kevin Spacey and laughing about Celebrity Jeopardy. Tomorrow morning is going to be hell. It's always fun until someone puts an eye out.

Really? I did not know that! I never encountered His Trebekness until they brought back Jeopardy in the '80s. What game shows did he do before that? Was he as big a dick on those shows as he is now?

Which is a really neat trick, considering the fact the he didn't take over "Jeopardy" until the '80s.

Girls In Their Summer Clothes - what a great song! I remember the first time I heard it, I was surprised that it was a Springsteen song, because he doesn't usually make music like that anymore. That's Bruce - still surprising me after all these years!

They're both great albums. I prefer "Born To Run" myself, but you make a good case for "The Wild…". But in truth, I love them both, for different reasons. However, gotta disagree with you about "Rosalita" vs. "Born To Run." I love "Rosalita" so much that I made it my personal theme song in college. But "Born To

I forgot about Le tits now! I am laughing hysterically now!

My favorite category of all time!

Change usually comes about due to group, not individual, action. It may start with an individual, but a group needs to form in order to change public opinion. See The Vietnam War, the Civil Rights Movement, the Women's Movement, the Gay Rights Movement. All of these were large groups of people bringing about change

No, but they DO (almost) always get away with killing people. Which "unofficial" police don't.