
You should have seen her in "Outside Mullingar," a play she was in a couple of years ago. She played an Irish woman who was nothing like Grace, and she did it beautifully. Complete with believable Irish brogue, which I never would have thought she could pull off.

Maybe Paula Deen's son can play Desi.

That was the first thing I thought of when they mentioned this movie - Goulet cluelessly singing "On the boardwalk in Atlantic City" as the squalid city collapses around him. Also, Lancaster watching Sarandon with the lemons, and her banal explanation for why she uses them - "It gets the fish smell off my hands."

That's what I'm saying. They've made the final four questions so difficult that no one can answer them. It's a fraud. If they don't want to give out that much money, they should change the name of the show.

Worse, they made the final four questions virtually impossible to answer. I never saw anyone get past the first one. In the old days, those last four questions were hard, but not ridiculous. Nowadays, the questions are things that virtually no one knows the answer to. Really, they're on the level of "what color am

I'm ready for the Betty and Helen spin-off. Like, tomorrow. With Austen as their wacky next-door neighbor who owns a strip club.

Well, in real life, Bill finally married Virginia because a perfume magnate had proposed to her, and he didn't want to lose her. I'm assuming that's where they're headed, probably in the last episode of the season. Which is kinda sad, because I enjoy the Bill, Libby, Virginia dynamic. And I love her relationship

"And we knit, because… it's a knitting circle." Brilliant.

Matt had a huge bite on his shoulder.

I forgot about the lizard baby on V!

They're not aliens on Grimm; they're Wesen. Whole different thing.

Don't forget Falling Skies. Noah Wyle's half-alien half-human kid was SPOILER ALERT killed in last year's season finale. I guess human/alien hybrid is the new black.

More. I just binge-watched the entire season to date, and I can't believe this is still on my DVR. Even watching everything one after the other, I can't keep track of what is going on. Barbie and Julia's great true love has taken place over a period of 3 weeks, part of which time he was with another woman who

I had a jeweler that I always called "Jeweler" precisely because of this movie. Sadly, I don't think he got it, and he just thought I was weird.

But it wouldn't have been nearly as funny. The fuck-up, drug-dealing, drunk on Listerine pilots save the world. How did you not find that funny?

They had to have Zeke's wife there, to explain where he kept getting the Provigil from.

I hated that scene worst of all. This selfish, horrible woman hijacks her son's wedding and makes it all about herself and showing all the people she left behind how "cool" she is, and we're supposed to cheer? I almost barfed.

I was totally with you there until the last paragraph. I am a feminist, and I think anyone - male or female - who abandons their children is a villain. I said so in my post above. This was my big problem with the movie, and I took issue with precisely the line in the review that you did. It's not a feminist thing.

This is Kramer vs. Kramer part 2, if the wife never came back and had 3 children instead if one.

She had a tiny role in Manhattan. I think she was in one scene, two tops.