
Yeah, don't worry about the TV show revealing any spoilers. At this point, the only thing the book and the TV show have in common is that they both take place under a dome. Some of the character names are the same, but the characters are really different. And the plot.

Hey, knock it off with the old people shaming. I'm an old, and I don't think any of those things that Ray R says. Please don't equate old with asshole. I love this show.

No Coppola? The man who directed what many consider to be the greatest movie of all time? Sorry, this list just lost all credibility for me.

That's a very good idea. See, already you're a better writer than Crouch. At least, you've come up with a more plausible theory of why the Abbies would have taken over.

Thanks. Good news, actually. I'm an Amazon Prime member, but I don't subscribe to Netflix. So I'm glad that I'll be able to see this.

Is it Netflix or Amazon?

Speaking of which, wouldn't the parents of WP become suspicious when ALL of their 15-year-old daughters turn up pregnant? Wouldn't they wonder what the hell was going on in that school, anyway?

I don't even buy that the Abbies would be superior predators. After all, if evolutionary success was based on pure strength and viciousness, lions would own the Earth and wolves would be far more successful than dogs are, while the opposite is true. There are other factors that ensure evolutionary success. With

I hear there's this scientist who's looking for volunteers to be frozen for a couple thousand years…

From what they showed on previews last week, I wouldn't get too attached to Amy. That looked like a pretty bad headache she was having.

But presumably Nurse Pam knew that Ethan's family was also on ice, so to speak, and also knew of the plan to revive them soon. So why would she encourage Beverly to hook up with Ethan?

Yeah, and paranoia. Raging paranoia. I think that is being demonstrated fairly clearly. Although the public reckonings might be responsible for that.

I believe that is why Pilcher is called a "mad scientist." Or rather, he should be called that.

That was how I responded too! I thought I was the only one who didn't get it right away.


"when your prized possessions start to weigh you down, look in my direction, I'll be round." I just love that lyric.

Ringo Starr: a pretty good drummer, but still the Luckiest Man Alive.

That's right! I had forgotten about that. I think its original name was something like "No Pakistanis."

You are a moron.

Everything about this post is wrong.