
Given that Iggy Azalea is: 1) a person who has spent an amount well into the five digits on cosmetic surgery, and 2) a loathsome piece of shit by almost any measure, why should her appearance be off-limits for discussion?

Is she pregnant? It looks like she directs him to feel her stomach.

was gunned down while driving in Brooklyn late last night

Iggy Azealia’s face has always looked kind of weird, like she has all the right pieces they just don’t work together

I know. I thought the story was going to be about how dress rehearsals are important to make sure your nip edges are in said dress.

I’ll always treasure Mimi. We should all treasure Mimi. She entertained us all for decades, giving us that voice, those songs, that movie and the least we can all do is be there for her as she gets older and slowly turns into Norma Desmond.

Um, did you decide to run a picture of Mariah with a nip slip?

More news out of the music world, except this time it kind of sucks:

Hey, some friends of mine did the song for that ad! So proud of them!

Do it for Oscar Wilde, Ireland! That guy INVENTED being gay!

The children need a mother and a father stuff is gross, the referendum has nothing to do with adoption rights or surrogacy and a vote for marriage equality doesn’t remove a parent from any child. Plus lots of kids have only a mother or father or other family configurations for a variety of reasons way to imply their

The we already have civil partnerships argument doesn’t fly for me, if the point is they can almost get married as it is then why not allow full equality?

Looks like his daughter.

Fun with typos: Listen to your wife because reading is quite constructive.

Didn't know Louis CK was a Mets fan.

Is it Isiah Thomas day in Citi?

I think we’ve found Jim Dolan another front office exec to help Isiah with his WNBA franchise.

I think what is happening here after careful review:

I never knew that Mets front office personnel got to sit in the expensive seats.