“No Mom, it’s not a doll, it’s an Action Figure!”
“No Mom, it’s not a doll, it’s an Action Figure!”
When it comes to Salma Hayek in particular, she’s above reproach in my opinion because of all the good she’s done for women and other disadvantaged groups.
You can be a feminist or womanist and oppose racism, classism, homophobia, disablism, etc at the same time. But feminism and womanism are specific to women’s oppression. That’s why they’re called feminism and womanism.
The money issue is too myopic. What does that mean? Sex and the City made money. Does that mean that’s what women want? More stories like that? HELL NO. Statistically, when larger sums of money are poured into a project, the less likely a woman will be helming it. And if its her project and it gets more money, she…
Because different forms of advocacy are not mutually exclusive. A person can fight for women and also fight for other disenfranchised groups; this doesn’t happen as often as it should, but it does indeed happen, and in no way invalidates that person’s feminism.
Poor men. Who will give them a voice?
She identified as a feminist in March, but I’m much more concerned that her actions and words move women forward and up, and they do. I hope many, many other women follow suit, and not just the famous ones.
Also (and I couldn’t decide if this was totally off topic or not, so sorry if it is) women will show up for male-centric movies more readily than men will show up for female-centric movies. If you’re a woman watching a movie with a female protagonist, congratulations...you’re watching a romantic comedy! If you want to…
Diversity is key when organizing most panels. When the panel is specifically about women, all women is OK. When the panel is specifically about men, all men is OK. When organizers are allowed to pretend that only men are the arbiters of gender neutral topics, we need to talk.
Maybe they could include a “donate” button so we could help needy children get a doll that looks just like them? I’d throw in some change
I dismiss slang like - “feels”, But I know what a bridge is : it connects one thing to another (association, empathy, curiosity and understanding). So, I "feels" for you — angry, frustrated troll. You need to learn how to start loving people. My last word.
“I am not a feminist,” she said. “If men were going through the things women are going through today, I would be fighting for them with just as much passion. I believe in equality.”
I’m loving that high-profile actresses (Salma Hayek, Meryl Streep, Patty Arquette) are speaking out and I think it’s a very important first step. That said, actresses don’t really wield much power individually.
To jezzies. We know better: DO NOT ENGAGE, and they will go back under the bridge.
It’s just not true, though. Market forces have nothing to do with. Women focused films make a lot of money. Putting a woman in a movie increases the audience. There are way more male directed and starring films that flop, but men don’t get penalized the same way a woman does for flopping. It’s sexism, and it’s not…
I’m sure I’m not the only one waiting for the articles about Pitch Perfect 2 and how this is the year of women blockbusters. Because somehow hollywood has already forgotten that Bridesmaids also started a revolution of women leading huge movies. etc etc.
eh, there is important historical/cultural differences between being oppressed because one has a disability, because one is an ethnic minority, because one is a lgbt person, etc (not like these are mutually exclusive). To lump these together as “challenges” ignores the unique reason for the marginalization of each…
The term is outdated but I wouldn’t call it hideously offensive, or offensive at all. Honestly, I’d prefer that people refer to me as wheelchair bound because they didnt know that term is outdated than tip toe around me because they’re scared something they say or do will offend me hideously.