
I would love to know what the lethal dose of tomatoes or potatoes are for humans. It has to be way more than most stomachs can hold.

Yeah, I had it for a while, so I’ve messed around with my diet, and, aside from generally eating healthy and maybe trying to eat omega3 rich stuff, none of it seems to make a difference one way or the other. Physical exertion, the weather, my amount of sleep, all these things seem to make a much more noticeable impact

I am not even a fake doctor, but I do have rheumatoid arthritis, which many people are wrongly convinced is caused/worsened by nightshades, so I have looked into it. Just about any particular food can cause any particular person to be allergic or sensitive or intolerant or otherwise have that food disagree with them —

But the LW is a student. What the hell is he avoiding that he can’t avoid in his dorm room?

I grew up in Green Bay, and I was discussing this last season with a friend who lives in Detroit. The Bears are your slightly older brother that you absolutely loathe. The Vikings are your younger sister that you kind of get along with, but don’t really like. The Lions are your vaguely disabled much younger cousin

Tom karate-hands-trotted past 50 a few years ago. But, yeah, I remember when that movie came out, people who had read the books said that the character is described repeatedly as a hulking man well over 6’. Casting Wee Tom just seemed mean.

A mayonnaise mask on a website associated with Lance Armstrong? Oh, they are just baiting us.

Then let them have one once, privately. That’s all that’s needed. Getting one once a week, in front of all your classmates, by someone equally untrained, is bullshit (especially the sexual stimulation and the comments). The reality is that this school was too cheap to buy a lifelike model or pay for volunteer

Sometimes it’s just a prank, but often it’s a money scam. I had some guy chat me up on POF years ago. By day 2, he was claiming to be an American contractor stuck in Nigeria because of visa problems, and could I just wire him $500? I had already figured out what he was up to, so I put him off, and kept talking to him

I don’t recall Bright being particularly ripped. Not Dadboddish, but not Starlord ripped, either.

Yup, even for singers who live the best possible lifestyle, aging tends to make the vocal cords thin and stiffen. It’s kind of like an athlete — they can still do it, but it takes more effort, and they might need surgical repair.

But if it is going to make me itch, sneeze and wheeze, I don’t think I am going to find it to be superior.

When I was about 8, my aunt, who is only 2.5 years older than me, decided to berate me for eating fried chicken with my hands during a large extended family dinner. This turned into a big shouting match between my mother, her 4 sisters and my grandmother, all of them taking sides. I snuck off to the kitchen and

There’s a loophole in NJ now — something where single-site grocery stores can have beer and wine (no liquor). Some Costcos and Wegmans seem to be taking advantage of it (they have to put a location in one person’s name, because it can’t be a chain, but franchises are okay? And they still need a liquor store liquor

I grew up in northern Wisconsin. One of my mom’s good friends had moved there from Hawaii, where he was born. He was of Japanese descent, mostly, but, you know, 100% American. Big guy, 6’2”, with a pony tail and a beard. A few years after he moved there, our town got a big influx of Hmong refugees settling there.

I have number 2! Sitting in a box. I am single and have arthritis, so it seemed like a good use of $10, but there’s only been one jar I had a hard time with lately, and I forgot I owned that gizmo, and had my housemate open it (he’s a plumber and has the forearms and grip of a gorilla... I have to make sure he never

Thanks. I will continue to buy the cheap honey then :)

By not thinking that this is awesome? Yeah, right. I’m fine with how I am. I imagine your parents making throat clearing noises when people ask if you’re a relative, though.

The fact that Sansa’s rape is all about Theon (probably) is exactly what is pissing so many people off. That’s a big part of why it is so infuriating.

Cripes, are you Jude Law’s agent? If an American in his 40s was elected pope, people would be a lot more obsessed with his nationality than his age, especially if he was a hard-liner. But, of course, with this completely inappropriate casting, people are mostly going to be obsessing about Law’s terrible accent.