I’ve had some luck using a salicylic acid mask. Physoderm makes one. I only use it twice a week, since it’s drying, but it’s done more than anything else I’ve tried.
I’ve had some luck using a salicylic acid mask. Physoderm makes one. I only use it twice a week, since it’s drying, but it’s done more than anything else I’ve tried.
But the average age NOW, in the modern era, is still 64, which means, since we’ve had significantly older men elected pope, we’ve also had younger men elected. 43 is not young. Younger, but not young. (We won’t even get into the absurdity of casting Jude Law as an Italian-American.)
So if I am one of those apparently rare people who is allergic to real flowers — roses, lilac, lavender, you name it, it smells, I sneeze and get hives — does that mean I should seek out local honey, or does that mean I should avoid it like the plague because it will kill me, or at least make me itch and wheeze, like…
The average age at election has always hovered in the mid-60s, but there have been a lot of popes elected who were younger than that, and at least 4 who were under 25 when they took office. So, no, Jude is only young in the Young Republicans sense.
It’s interesting because American Catholics actually support same sex marriage at a rate higher than our general public. It’s those pesky fundamentalists and the right wing Catholics that mostly get ignored here that feel the need to go meddling.
Dress rehearsals for this type of thing are really more for the crew. Never piss off the crew, Mimi.
Pretty clear in the slomo that she’s having him feel her abdomen, so is almost certainly pregnant. Also really clear she was not asking her douchelord of an SO to grope her on national tv. Poor woman. Poor baby.
It’s hard for me to imagine that two people as rich as both Vergara and Loeb wouldn’t have had attorneys present when signing a document to become parents together, especially since they were not married. That’s not the kind of thing their lawyers/accountants/et all would allow.
My 1960s vintage dad demanded that my mother iron his underwear. Not even boxers, frickin’ tighty whities. So she starched them. Mom was much happier with husband #2.
Dude, you have essentially retired in your (I assume) early 40s. Even if you were a man, people would be making the same remarks to you because you don’t work and you aren’t a stay-at-home parent. You’re a very young retiree. Get over yourself, and suck it up.
No matter where they signed, there had to be at least one witness when each of them signed, or it wouldn’t be legally valid. That person’s signature should be on the document, so this should be a pretty easy claim to validate or disprove.
This reminds me that yesterday, I saw an article where they looked at who the news networks were inviting to speak about birth control. While most were, of course, politicians these days, they actually invited more Catholic clergy than doctors (and only a tiny sliver of those doctors were gynecologists). Like, a lot…
Not just girls. I imagine there are little boys who’d love a doll who looks like them, too.
Not to mention that Fry’s statement is literally whining about other people whining. Hey, Stephen, so fucking what?
This is why Roku is better.
I have a friend who is named Bill and has a difficult to spell last name that starts with W. He was in sales, and often would make table reservations as just Bill W. And would have his clients tell the hostess that they were “Friends of Bill W”. He had no idea that was code for being in Alcoholics Anonymous, and I…
Androids with really poorly written software is my guess.
I love that you had to add a pic of a rich old white man to really bring home your lecture that no one but rich white men are allowed to be offended. Thanks.
He is also apparently the co-creator of the incredibly lame Celebrity Lip Sync show that my dumb housemate insists on watching, so that’s another black mark.
Did he have his fart machine? (According the AV Club’s Airplane Oral History, Leslie took it everywhere.)