Yerba mate is what tea would taste like if you made it with dirt.
Yerba mate is what tea would taste like if you made it with dirt.
It’s disgusting is what it is. If I was dying of thirst in the desert and the only thing to drink was kombucha, I would drink my own urine instead. But if I was dying of thirst in the desert and the only things to drink were kombucha and yerba mate, and I couldn’t pee, I would drink the kombucha.
I just went looking. I’m not sure what the absolute worst is, but this is someone I literally wrote to my special lady friend: “I want to slap your cheeks (the butt ones).” I don’t think I’m the worst person in the world at dirty talk, but i think objectively that one text puts me in the bottom ten, despite everything…
Robin got that gross shit from somewhere. Alan Thicke has always been just as douche as his little boy. Google that shit. It’s nauseating.
Alan, shut up. You embarrassed you un-embarrassable son, so that’s saying something.
Why does this fool keep switching narrators? First person, third person, back to first person...? And no to planning sex in dorm showers. Not hot.
Are you sure he was trying to sext you and not just writing some very disturbing Howard Zinn / Noam Chomsky slash fanfiction?
Oh definitely. The other thing that I don’t think is talked about is that some stores ACTIVELY encourage people to buy junk with SNAP. I was at a Walgreen’s recently and the little Debbie’s aisle had all these little leaflets that were like REMEMBER WE TAKE SNAP. DON’T FORGET. YOU CAN SPEND SNAP ON THESE AND THEY LOOK…
Don’t forget, you actually need a decent supermarket near you to have those options period. If you live in a food desert and don’t have transportation, you’re shit out of luck.
Yeah but 1) what’s junk food? (I’m not saying that it’s a meaningless category and that NOTHING is junk food, but...) I was on SNAP for a good...year? I bought a lot of 99 cent microwave meals that had no nutritional value but would keep me from spending $5 at McDonald’s. Are those junk food? They’re certainly junk…
Penis, for the mouth part of your face.
I don’t know why, but guys seem to really like saying they’re going to give a girl a “proper fucking”. Or a “proper dicking”. Whether they are actually capable of doing so or not. And earlier in the year when a report on the average size penis was making the news rounds, every guy whose penis I’ve seen sexted me with…
You just KNOW someone’s watched too much porn when they think you'd be enthusiastic about that.
He sounds hideous.
Yeah, if I can’t share the unsolicited pic of a dude’s junk as he was recovering from hernia surgery (“I can’t fuck right now but you could give me head”) then I got nothing.
“I want to push your head down really hard while you give me head”
Anything that began “If I was single, I would....”