
Yeah, I feel like the people who think that’s a good idea aren’t considering the real baggage that would land upon the little girl saddled with their “shitstorm”? Naming the new princess Diana wouldn’t just be tacky, it would be cruel. She’s not a car or a puppy, she’s a human who will have to live with that name her

Stop putting words in my mouth and go away.

There’s an oral history of the movie Airplane over on The AV Club, and one section deals with the gentlemen who speak Jive — and it turns out the two actors went and researched it (since they didn’t actually speak it). And one of the terms they incorporated, after finding it in their research of early AAVE, was TCB.

Wouldn’t she need more than a high school diploma, though, if she’s talking about more than that 2-week “I spent thousands to sit in a room briefly so I can brag I went to Harvard” certificate?

They didn’t shut down because of a lack of users, they shut down because of a lawsuit. Unless OP is secretly an RIAA lawyer, they are not the reason it shut down.

That was my initial take, except scrolling down, the 80s scenes are supposed to take place in 1983, and those actresses are definitely wearing stuff that wouldn’t be fashionable until 1987ish. As someone noted above, Sansa Stark has a real Tiffany vibe, and Tiffany didn’t hit the scene until 1987. Ditto The

I thought so, but as of 2012 she only had a degree in business and design and was running a restaurant. Although perhaps she went back for her degree since then?

No, that’s not even remotely accurate. But you aren’t worth explaining to because you can only hear your own voice. I give up. You aren’t worth it.

I am reminded of the first time I visited my mom about a year after I moved to another state. As I walked in the kitchen, she gleefully told me that she had gotten all my favorite foods for me. She then pulls open the fridge and cupboards and points out the items — every one of which was either something I hated or

I’m beginning to suspect it’s just a random number generator, and two bros are having a huge laugh right now.

I vaguely recall that Tracey Stewart worked as a vet tech before she got married, so this is not surprising. Any word on where in NJ their farm is?

Reading is hard.

It’s weird that they don’t even include chicken broth. But, yeah, anything liquid that you think will work with your protein will work, especially soups. Also, I have used apple cider when doing pork (another protein they left off).

At the trendiest possible moment, when it’s the in color? Yeah, what an amazing coincidence.

Jesus fuck, you are tiresome. People don’t hate you because of your views, THEY JUST HATE YOU.

Seriously. You are either good at remember details or you aren’t. If you admit you are, but only about things that you care about, you are clearly letting the world know what it is you don’t give a shit about — and for this guy, that’s apparently his girlfriend. Poor woman.

Are there any extensions (or whatever) that lets you control which tabs Chrome decides to suspend? I usually run about 15 tabs on my Chromebook, and it’s fine — except when I’m 3 reloads deep on a comment thread on a GM site, and I get busy doing stuff in other tabs for a bit, then come back to that tab and now I have

Wouldn’t you still need that? I mean, I’ve lost a bunch of weight, and unless I moisturize the crap out of my neck, it tends toward slightly wattly. I have to think that losing the fat instantaneously would only exacerbate this problem and definitely leave you with loose skin that needs retracting.

Don’t forget how it came out that when he was heading GA, he “staged” crimes, especially in the subways, for him to save the day. For fund raising and recruiting purposes, according to him (and he only escaped criminal charges for false reporting because the statute of limitations had run out when it was uncovered).

Oh, good, they haven’t deviated from Curtis’ vision.