
Fingers crossed that that is what the old man was talking to him about.

Okay, but can we be dubious that she’s wanted to dye it pink “for years”? Because you know it only crossed her mind when it started getting trendy in the last 6-12 months. (And by 6-12 months, I mean February 2015, at the earliest.)

Catch up, they’ve been over Cumberbatch for months. The name you meant to say was Hiddleston.

And if they cast a woman in her early 20s (who is always Jennifer Lawrence) to play a character in her late 30s, it’s a David O. Russell film

Michael. Heh, that makes me giggle. I don’t think anyone ever called him anything but Mike.

I wore it for work when I had an office job in my 20s, but aside from that, nah. If I’m going to a fancy party and wearing a dress, I’ll bother, but 99% of the time, I don’t care. And I’m old now. Still don’t care.

It’s nice that you are so honest about your own stupidity and/or possible brain damage, but don’t extend that to other men. It’s insulting.

If it’s about a pathetic loser old man romancing a woman not yet old enough to rent a car and definitely young enough to be his daughter, then there is 75% chance it is a Woody Allen movie. But it might just be any other movie.

I have had this discussion, as a Packer fan, with Bear, Viking and Lion fans, and... yeah. The Packer and Bear fans mostly find it adorable when the Lions beat us, like they’re our ne’er-do-well younger brother.

But MRAs hate him, he swears!

I didn’t actually call you any names. I called out that attitude as childish and entitled. If you took that personally, I don’t know what to tell you.

I got frustrated because an asshole is trying to spread bald-faced lies in a public forum. Not believing wild stories that are provably untrue doesn’t make me close-minded, it makes me sane. Dude, you are besmirching a murdered man. Shame on you.

Those aren’t actually dating services.

Being from Eastern Wisconsin, I am always fascinated by the two big pockets of Midwestern soda-sayers (Florida is self-explantory). Basically, it’s centered around St. Louis and Milwaukee, which both had huge, specific immigration waves of Germans in the mid-to-late 1800s. Not sure why that made them say soda, but

By being thrown around in the back of a police van with your arms and legs bound, you rumor-mongering moron. He did not commit suicide, he was fucking paralyzed when they pulled him out that van. You pulled that out of your idiotic ass. Knock it the fuck off, stop spreading lies.

Did you make that up yourself or did someone else? Because there are absolutely no signs pointing to that. The police chief admits that Gray’s injuries happened either immediately prior to or during his transport. You are completely full of shit.

Shh, it’s more fun to think that Karyn knew she said that Angelina was hopelessly confused, like a BOSS. (Actually, it’s just amusing to think Karyn thinks she knows how to write.)

That explains so much! I need to redo all my online dating profiles.

I mean, it felt like several millions years passed every time she struggled through her lines on screen.

I think watching the seasons with Michael Michele should get me extra credit.